this week in (live)streaming


Battery Dance Company hosts annual festival August 13-20 (photo by Steven Pisano)

Robert F. Wagner Jr. Park, Battery Park City
20 Battery Pl.
August 13-19, free with advance RSVP, 7:00
August 20, Schimmel Center at Pace University, $10-$75, 6:00

The forty-first annual Battery Dance Festival is back fully in person this summer, with live presentations from three dozen companies from around the globe, including several New York City and world premieres. Free performances take place August 13-19 at 7:00 at Robert F. Wagner Jr. Park in Battery Park City and will be livestreamed as well; the festival concludes August 20 at 6:00 with a ticketed indoor closing celebration and VIP reception at the Schimmel Center at Pace University ($10 for performance, $75 for VIP with priority seating and preshow Prosecco toast). Dance enthusiasts will be able to check out multiple disciplines, from tap and classical ballet to circus and Afro-Brazilian, from the US, Canada, Romania, Singapore, Denmark, Spain, and elsewhere, with some programs featuring live music.

“Lady Liberty might be tempted to shimmy and shake as dance companies from near and far take the stage at Wagner Park once again this summer. Audiences will have a tough time deciding which performance to attend,” Battery Dance founder Jonathan Hollander said in a statement.

Below is the full schedule.

Saturday, August 13, 7:00
Sydney Burtis, The Difference
Zachary Seto, Nostalgic Beings of Synesthesia
Camryn & Courtney Spero, Distance
Kate Louissant, For Love
Lerato Ragontse, In Between Change
Anya Susan, In Conversation
Myles King, The Last Foundry
Shannon Harkins, Dreams and Nightmares of a Mutant People

Sunday, August 14, 7:00
The Dancing Wheels Company, Unconquered Warriors
Ballet Nepantla, Let Down & Huasteca Suite
Linotip, Diagonal and Cain
Gaudanse, Nanibu
Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Just Above the Surface
The Vanaver Caracan, Vanaver Caravan retrospective

Monday, August 15: India Independence Day, 7:00
Anjali Dance Company, Nagendra Haraya, Pranavakaram, and Tillana
Siddendra Kuchipudi Dance Company, Naumisatam, Sringaralahari, Chandra Sherkaram, and Keedaragoula

Tuesday, August 16, 7:00
Christina Carminucci, The Solidarity Series IV: Free Spirits Suite
Linotip, Diagonal and Cain
Fairul Zahid & LaSalle Dance Singapore, Allocentric
Buglisi Dance Theatre, The Threads Project #1: “Universal Dialogues”
Boca Tuya / Omar Roman de Jesus, Los Perros del Barrio Colosal

Wednesday, August 17, 7:00
Xing Dance Theater, Citizen
Julienne Doko, Lost Memories (Mémoires Perdues)
Tati Nuñez, Touch — Returned
Dos Proposiciones Dance Theatre, Pacto de Fuga
Ntrinsik Movement, Kindred Spirit
Ballet Inc., Touche
Alison Chase/Performance, Tsu-Ku-Tsu

Thursday, August 18, 7:00
Demi Remick & Dancers, That’s Entertainment!
Floyd McLean Jr., Cold
Battery Dance, A Certain Mood
TeaTime Company, Stick-Stok
Fairul Zahid & LaSalle Dance Singapore, Allocentric
Tina Croll + Company, Balkan Bacchanal

Friday, August 19, 7:00
Dallas Black Dance Theatre, Face What’s Facing You!
Lanecoarts, Swerve
Dos Proposiciones Dance Theatre, Pacto de Fuga
I Kada Contemporary Dance Company, Unfolding
Battery Dance, Wind in the Olive Grove
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, Les Corps Avalés

Saturday, August 20, Schimmel Center at Pace University, 6:00
Boca Tuya / Omar Roman de Jesus, Los Perros del Barrio Colosal
Battery Dance, Above Deep Waters
Julienne Doko, Lost Memories (Mémoires Perdues)
TeaTime Company, Stick-Stok
Dallas Black Dance Theatre, Face What’s Facing You!
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, Les Corps Avalés


Barbara Pollack first visited China in 2004 (photo courtesy Barbara Pollack)

Asia Society Museum
725 Park Ave. at 70th St.
Wednesday – Sunday through December 31, $7-$12
Artist Talk July 21, free, 7:00
Brooklyn Rail talk Tuesday, August 9, free, 1:00

In a 2010 twi-ny talk, Barbara Pollack noted, discussing her book The Wild, Wild East: An American Art Critic’s Adventures in China, “Until the late 1990s, the art world was extremely narrow-minded and unwilling to think that a major talent could come from somewhere other than Europe or North America. That has changed forever, good riddance.”

Pollack spent the following decade meeting with, writing about, and researching these major talents, in China and other countries, leading to her next book, 2018’s Brand New Art from China: A Generation on the Rise.

Right before Covid-19 forced the lockdown of restaurants, theaters, museums, and other businesses in March 2020, Pollack’s “Mirror Image: A Transformation of Chinese Identity” had been scheduled to open at Asia Society but had to be put on hold. Pollack, a writer, teacher, curator, and visual artist with a law degree, pivoted immediately and formed, with Anne Verhallen, Art at a Time Like This, a nonprofit that presents sociopolitical art, both on- and offline. Finally, after a more than two-year delay, “Mirror Image,” curated by Pollack with guest curatorial assistant Hongzheng Han, opened at the Park Ave. institution in June and has just been extended through the end of the year.

The exhibition, which Pollack sees as a kind of follow-up to Asia Society’s seminal 1998 show “Inside Out: New Chinese Art,” features multimedia works that explore the idea of “Chinese-ness” by seven artists who were born on mainland China in the 1980s, six of whom are still primarily based there. In her curatorial statement, Pollack explains, “These artists continue to push forward. We no longer view them as ambassadors from an exotic land but as representatives of a world we share.”

Pixy Liao, who lives and works in Brooklyn and was born in Shanghai in 1979, contributes intimate digital chromogenic still-lifes of parts of her and her partner’s bodies. Cui Jie creates futuristic cityscapes with hints of the past in large acrylic paintings. Tianzhuo Chen invites viewers into one of his ecstatic theatrical performances in the five-minute two-channel video Trance. Liu Shiyuan, who divides her time between Beijing and Copenhagen, combines found images with original footage in dizzying prints. Miao Ying, who lives and works in Shanghai and New York City, incorporates online gaming into her computer-animated film Surplus Intelligence, while Pilgrimage into Walden XII is a live simulation that learns over time. Tao Hui’s Similar Disguise Stills is accompanied by QR codes that take visitors into digital TikTok soap operas with nonbinary characters. And Nabuqi’s How to Be “Good Life” is a living room installation, influenced by Martin Heidegger and Richard Hamilton, that questions how popular culture invades personal spaces.

Tao Hui, Similar Disguise Stills, archival pigment prints mounted on aluminum panels, 2021 (photo courtesy of the artist, Kiang Malingue, Esther Schipper, and Macalline Art Center, Beijing)

On July 21, Pollack will moderate a conversation with Pixy and Miao at Asia Society and Nabuqi and Tao participating remotely; the talk can be viewed in person as well as online here.

Pollack is an old friend; her second book was represented by Stonesong, my wife’s literary agency. Pollack recently discussed the impact of the internet on Chinese art, putting together an exhibition during a pandemic, the Chinese art market, Chinese identity, and more in her latest twi-ny talk.

twi-ny: The exhibition includes a timeline that goes back to President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 and Mao’s death in 1976. I know this could take a book – and you’ve written several on the subject – but, in a nutshell if possible, what have been some of the biggest changes in Chinese art and the perception of Chinese artists since then?

barbara pollack: I begin the timeline with Nixon’s visit and Mao’s death, basically the end of the Cultural Revolution, the most repressive period in modern Chinese history. The artists in this show were mostly born five to ten years later and had no experience with that kind of scary attitude toward intellectuals and creatives. In fact, they grew up in a world where there was an art infrastructure including auction houses, galleries, and, finally, new contemporary art museums. This all happened really quickly.

In the 1990s, art was still kind of underground, but by 2000, China hosted a major biennial, several official auction houses, and a few galleries. By the time these artists were exhibiting, China had an art market that rivaled that in the U.S. Most people here don’t realize that Shanghai now has a dozen contemporary art museums and there are several hundred galleries between Shanghai and Beijing and other cities. That creates an incredibly rich environment for artists to exhibit their works, despite censorship and other drawbacks.

twi-ny: The internet came to China in 1994, and much of the art in the show incorporates elements of AI, high-tech social media, and online gaming. How did the internet impact the work Chinese artists were creating?

bp: In 1994, China was still a pretty isolated, agrarian society. The internet changed everything for everyone, but mostly the generation born in the 1980s, as are the artists in this show. Suddenly you no longer had to smuggle in catalogues or merely read about shows of contemporary art elsewhere in the world. It took a while for the internet to improve, but soon you could get information directly. Artists in China learned rapidly how to have their own websites and how to email international curators. I know this firsthand by those who contacted me early on. But more importantly, before the establishment of the Great Firewall — China’s surveillance of all internet activity — people in China could learn about Chinese history not included in domestic textbooks. It was an eye-opening period and one of the reasons that this younger generation is so enthralled with the liberation that came from this technology.

twi-ny: In our 2010 twi-ny talk, you pointed out that Chinese artists were able to produce without the interference of the Ministry of Culture and that restrictions rarely impeded their output. Is that still true? That was two years before Xi Jinping took over as general secretary.

bp: I have no idea what has happened in the last two years, but it should be noted that in 2014, Xi Jinping gave a speech exhorting media, television, films, and art producers to “serve the people” and uphold Chinese culture. That’s a return to Mao’s rhetoric during the Cultural Revolution. As a result, there has been a rise in self-censorship for sure. I need to return to China to see how this has had an impact on cultural institutions and art making.

Miao Ying, Surplus Intelligence, single-channel film with sound, 2021-22 (courtesy of the artist)

twi-ny: Speaking of going to China, what was it like putting “Mirror Image” together during the pandemic? You’re used to traveling there often, but I imagine that because of Covid, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and other political situations, that is not possible.

bp: “Mirror Image” was supposed to open in the spring of 2020, just as Covid took over New York City and museums and galleries were closed. I was devastated that the show was canceled at that point. In fall 2021, Asia Society came to me and revived the show. By then, I knew we could not ship works from China — not because of Covid but because of shipping tariffs imposed by Donald Trump. So we used “virtual shipping,” with artists sending photo works and videos digitally.

Even Nabuqi’s great installation — originally created in Beijing with elements bought at the local IKEA — was completely assembled in NYC. The artist sent us a “shopping list.” We ordered from IKEA here and then she directed the installation via Zoom with a translator in the museum. I think that’s a perfect example of how globalization can impact — even facilitate — art making in the twenty-first century. Also, several galleries — Kiang Malingue in Hong Kong, Tanya Bonakdar in Chelsea, Pilar Corrias in London, and Chambers Fine Art downtown — were incredibly helpful in sourcing works in the U.S. I really have to thank the team at Asia Society for an extraordinary effort to pull this together.

twi-ny: The exhibition includes a wild video installation by Tianzhuo Chen; a few years back, you attended one of his performances here in the city. What was it like to experience it in person?

bp: Tianzhuo’s work is the most visceral experience I have ever had in an art institution. It’s like watching wild animals refusing to get back in their cages. The tension between the space and the performers is absolutely riveting.

Pixy Liao, Play Station, digital chromogenic print, 2013 (courtesy of the artist and Chambers Fine Art)

twi-ny: Another highlight of the show are ten digital chromogenic prints by Pixy Liao. How did you get introduced to her work?

bp: I met Pixy early in her career, around 2010, when she came to New York. She and her partner, Moro, have their own quirky band and I saw them perform at Printed Matter. I may have known her even before that. I love working with Pixy because she has no ego and comes off like a cutie pie but is actually quite brilliant and powerful. That’s the tension that comes through in the photographs. Her images really speak to people about the state of relationships in today’s gender-fluid world, not just in China or Chinese communities.

twi-ny: For people who might not know that much about contemporary Chinese art, what do you think will most surprise them about this show?

bp: Everything! Many Americans have such a limited view of China that they don’t even believe that creativity is possible in such a repressive society. It is repressive, but that is the framework that Chinese artists push against and test the limits of. Almost all of the work in the show has been shown in China without problems. Many of these artists have major markets with a new generation of young Chinese collectors, and internationally. But this may change. I’m worried about the future. Very worried.

twi-ny: On July 21, you will be moderating a conversation with four of the artists. What are some of the main topics you will be discussing?

bp: We will start with a discussion of how being born in China has influenced their choices as artists and whether that still guides their work. Then I will allow the artists to guide the discussion more or less. But this issue of identity will obviously recur throughout the evening. Most of the artists have told me they are citizens of the internet, not China. We’ll see where that leads us.

[You can watch a recording of the panel discussion here. Pollack will also be participating in a free Brooklyn Rail New Social Environment discussion on Zoom on August 9 at 1:00 with artists Liu Shiyuan and Miao Ying, moderated by Lilly Wei and featuring a poetry reading by Abby Romine.]


Who: Oscar Isaac, Willem Dafoe, David Strathairn, Kira Meshcherska, Dmytro Zaleskyi, Lyudmila Yankina, Olena Martynenko, Tatiana Tolpezhnikov, Roman Tolpezhnikov, Bryan Doerries, Oksana Yakushko
What: Live, dramatic reading followed by community discussion
Where: Theater of War Zoom
When: Saturday, July 16, free with RSVP, 1:00
Why: “Zeus! Lord and guard of suppliant hands / Look down benign on us who crave / Thine aid — whom winds and waters drave / From where, through drifting shifting sands, / Pours Nilus to the wave. / From where the green land, god-possest, / Closes and fronts the Syrian waste, / We flee as exiles, yet unbanned / By murder’s sentence from our land; / But — since Aegyptus had decreed / His sons should wed his brother’s seed, — / Ourselves we tore from bonds abhorred, / From wedlock not of heart but hand, / Nor brooked to call a kinsman lord!” So the chorus chimes at the beginning of Aeschylus’s The Suppliants, the 460s BCE play involving immigration, the military, borders, and political activism.

Theater of War Productions, which performs Greek tragedies and contemporary texts with all-star casts, followed by community discussions on topics related to the works, including climate change, the pandemic, racialized police violence, caregiving, mental health, incarceration, substance abuse, and homelessness, now turns its attention to the emergency situation in Ukraine. On July 16 at 1:00, Oscar Isaac, Willem Dafoe, Kira Meshcherska, and David Strathairn will headline a staged reading on Zoom of The Suppliants, part of Aeschylus’s Danaid Tetralogy, after which Theater of War artistic director Bryan Doerries will facilitate an interactive discussion with Dr. Dmytro Zaleskyi of the Mobile Medical Center of Ukrainian Territorial Defense, Lyudmila Yankina of the ZMINA Human Rights Center in Ukraine, Kyiv-based communication manager Olena Martynenko, and Mariupol refugees Tatiana Tolpezhnikov and Roman Tolpezhnikov. Admission is free with advance RSVP.


Who: Dionne Warwick, Ira Kaplan, Macy Gray, John Cameron Mitchell, Amanda Palmer, Tash Neal, Gracie Lawrence, Loudon Wainwright III, Dar Williams, Paul Shaffer, Dida Pelled, Resistance Revival Chorus, DJ Logic, musical director Eli Brueggemann, more
What: Benefit concert for Every Town for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action
Where: City Winery NYC, 25 Eleventh Ave. at Fifteenth St.
When: Wednesday, July 6, $50-$500, 8:00
Why: The battle over gun laws has hit epic proportions as the Supreme Court gets involved, there are more mass shootings at schools, and Republican congress members feature the use of guns in their holiday cards and campaign ads. On July 6, City Winery is hosting “Enough. An evening to support gun safety,” a benefit concert for Every Town for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. Among those performing to raise funds and encourage participation in the fight for stricter gun control laws are Dionne Warwick, Ira Kaplan, Macy Gray, John Cameron Mitchell, Amanda Palmer, Loudon Wainwright III, Dar Williams, Paul Shaffer, Dida Pelled, Resistance Revival Chorus, DJ Logic, and musical director Eli Brueggemann.

“We feel a responsibility to use our facility as a community-gathering space expressing our concern for the plague of guns in our country and importance of safety measures required given the Second Amendment,” City Winery CEO and founder Michael Dorf said in a statement. “ and Moms Demand Action are doing remarkable work in this domain and we are bringing as much of a spotlight to their important work as possible with this event.”

Every Town for Gun Safety proudly proclaims, “We’re the largest gun violence prevention organization in America — and we’re winning. Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, life-saving laws have been thwarted by the gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives. But something is changing. Nearly 10 million mayors, moms, teachers, survivors, gun owners, students, and everyday Americans have come together to make their own communities safer.”

Moms Demand Action, which was formed in 2012 in response to the Newtown shooting, “is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. We pass stronger gun laws and work to close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. We also work in our own communities and with business leaders to encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership. We know that gun violence is preventable, and we’re committed to doing what it takes to keep families safe.”

Tickets for the event range from $50 to $500; a special bottle of Enough Benefit Cabernet Sauvignon will be available, promising, “The nose opens with fresh herbal notes of sage and eucalyptus, followed by black currant jam, hints of fresh blueberries, star anise, and cloves. On the palate, the wine is soft and smooth with lots of blackberries and dried cherries. Hints of vanilla, cinnamon, and allspice dance around the palate with a medium body and fine-grained texture. The finish cleans out quickly, leaving you ready for another sip.”

And, as Gray points out in the above video, “All I want for Christmas is a whole bunch of stuff / But anything that you can buy me won’t be enough / Because everything I’m hoping for is intangible / Like free health care and gun control.”

The bipartisan bill Congress passed on June 24 is far from enough; we need to keep fighting until the scourge of guns terrorizing America is over.


Robert H. Lieberman’s Echoes of the Empire is a love letter to Mongolia

Streaming on demand

I recently spent two weeks in Mongolia, traveling across the steppes and the Gobi Desert before finishing our journey in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, known as UB. I’d never experienced anything like that; for most of our time there, we saw more animals (sheep, goats, horses, cows, gazelles, camels) than people, meeting nomadic herders, staying in gers (Mongolian yurts), and learning about Chinggis Khan, the famous Mongol warrior known to the West as Genghis Khan. His name and image are everywhere: statues and monuments, museums, beer bottles, paintings, the airport.

Shortly after returning to bustling New York City, I watched filmmaker and novelist Robert H. Lieberman’s beautiful documentary Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan, which is now available for online streaming after playing the festival circuit. The film, the conclusion of a trilogy that began with Angkor Awakens and They Call It Myanmar, wonderfully captures the Mongolia I had just toured as it explores the land’s history, from its unique topography and weather (particularly the wind) and Chinggis Khan’s power in the thirteenth century to the Soviet influence beginning in 1921 and the arrival of democracy and a new constitution in 1992. Essentially, Mongolia today is a very young country, barely thirty years old, with a very old culture. There’s a lot to learn as it reclaims its culture — Mongolians were not allowed to even say the name “Chinggis Khan” under the Soviets — and develops much-needed infrastructure as nomads who live as their ancestors have done for more than a thousand years now head to the big city to make a new life.

Echoes opens with gorgeous aerial shots by Michael Roberts of animals moving through vast landscapes of grass, sand, and mountains before the camera reveals UB, the past meeting the present and future as lush traditional music plays.

“As a child, I grew up on horseback leading camel caravans on the steppe,” poet G.Mend-Ooyo fondly remembers. “The nomadic life is the closest lifestyle to nature. During the summer, my family left our ger’s door open. Through the door frame, the outside always looked as if it were a painting, changing from dawn to dusk. It was like I was looking at a framed painting. This was my childhood art gallery as I grew up in a nomadic family.” I felt the same thing numerous times during my trip.

Jack Weatherford, author of Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, notes, “The people move constantly, and the air moves constantly. When you’re crossing the steppe, you can go for hours and sometimes days without seeing a human habitation, but you always look for the animals, because once you see the animals, you know there are going to be people somewhere close by.” He describes the basic conventions of the ger and how herders live. “You walk into the ger and you smell family; you know that you’re home.”

Rutgers scholar Simon Wickhamsmith points out, “Mongolia today seems to me a very modern society on the surface, but just below the surface there is a feeling of great antiquity and a tremendous respect for the history and the traditional culture.”

Lieberman also speaks with journalist and filmmaker Peter Bittner, former US ambassador to Mongolia Jonathan Addleton, Mongolia Quest director D.Gereltuv, ecologist and conservation biologist T.Batbayar, Cornell biologist Allen MacNeill, economist and teacher S.Unur, University of Delaware ethnomusicologist Sunmin Yoon, and others, giving wide-ranging perspectives of Mongolia, from its land to its politics.

Activist and former Parliament member Oyungerel Tsedevdamba talks about the importance of song in nomadic culture. “That’s the only entertainment they have,” she says. When we were invited into a ger by a herder, he and his friends sang a traditional song for us. (After we had lunch, they also showed us how to tame a wild horse.)

Weatherford shares the details of Chinggis Khan’s early life, from the death of his father, the shunning of his widowed mother, and the abduction of his wife to his growing expertise in battle and his successful invasions, told with animation by Camilo Nascimento. “We remember the conquests, and the conquest was harsh, it was brutal, and it was bloody,” Weatherford states. “But no empire survives on war. War is only one phase. Empire survives when the people prosper in some way from it.” Weatherford discusses the growth of commerce, the spreading of information, religious freedom, women’s rights, diplomatic immunity, and international law that came to be under the Mongol warrior’s leadership.

Echoes of the Empire focuses on both the humans and the animals of Mongolia

As Lieberman turns to the current day, the documentary delves into problems with coal, the untenable population growth surrounding UB with districts that lack running water or paved streets, the constant traffic and pollution, and the need to reinvent the ger now that so many Mongolians are using them as permanent homes.

“Sadly, we live on a tiny part of our vast territory, which led to density and a stressful life,” G.Mend-Ooyo opines. “In fact, living in the wilderness and steppe is nowhere near as stressful as city life, but rather it is freedom.”

Gracefully edited by David Kossack and photographed by Lieberman, who produced the film with Deborah C. Hoard, Echoes of the Empire is a love letter to the extraordinary country of Mongolia, from its past to its present, but it comes with a warning about its immediate future, which was evident during my travels there as well. I highly recommend the film — and a trip to Mongolia, an experience like no other.


Who: Sixty companies and more than three hundred and fifty artists from around the world
What: Virtual Dumbo Dance Festival
Where: White Wave Dance online
When: June 23-26, $15 per performance, $20 for finale, $100-$250 for gala
Why: The twenty-first annual Dumbo Dance Festival will take place online June 23-26, kicking off with the gala featuring speakers Gerald Appelstein, Danni Gee, Jennifer Muller, Ludo Scheffer, Thera Marshall, Pascal Rekoert, and Young Soon Kim and presentations by Buglisi Dance Theatre, A.L.A.H., Limón2, Hyonok Kim Dance Arts, achagmu center|KIM / MEA JA, UBIN Dance|Na-Hyun Lee, and WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company. Performances continue June 24-26, along with a free Zoom dance class and a family-friendly program.

“This is a festival about opportunities,” Young Soon Kim said in a statement. “The DUMBO Dance Festival — now virtual — provides an opportunity for over 350 performing artists to showcase their work. Further, it offers New York and global audiences the chance to experience one of the most diverse displays of leading-edge choreography and excellence at an affordable price.” Among the dozens of other participating troupes are Jody Oberfelder Projects, David Appel, Ballaro Dance, Alison Cook Beatty Dance, Meg Kirchhoff, Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre, and Taylor Graham from New York, Flamencodanza Aylin Bayaz from Spain, Ramona Sekulovic from Germany, Lisa D. Long and Lauren Blair Smith Dance Company from California, Theatre Mucheon from Korea, and Cristina Ruberto from Italy.


Arlekin Players Theatre presents a hybrid multimedia adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard (photo by Maria Baranova)

Baryshnikov Arts Center, Jerome Robbins Theater
450 West 37th St. between Ninth & Tenth Aves.
Tuesday – Sunday through July 3, $39-$125 in person, $29 virtual

During the pandemic lockdown, Arlekin Players Theatre reinvented what online theater could be. The Needham, Massachusetts–based company presented three works that offered people sheltering in place the opportunity to experience and participate in live productions incorporating videogame technology: State vs. Natasha Banina, a one-woman Zoom play in which the audience votes on the ultimate verdict; Witness, which takes viewers on board the MS St. Louis, the German ship carrying nearly a thousand Jewish refugees in May 1939 escaping the approaching Holocaust; and chekhovOS /an experimental game/, a virtual, interactive reimagining of scenes from The Cherry Orchard, a combination of live and prerecorded segments and an integral live chat, with Tony nominee Jessica Hecht as Madame Lyubov Andreievna Ranevskaya and Mikhail Baryshnikov as Anton Chekhov.

Arlekin founding artistic director Igor Golyak has steered full steam ahead with The Orchard, a bumpy two-hour intermissionless adaptation of Chekhov’s tragicomedy that can be seen live and in person through July 3 at the Baryshnikov Arts Center’s Jerome Robbins Theater and/or livestreamed with interactive elements. The best way to experience The Orchard is to first go to the theater, then follow it up virtually, as the two iterations feed off each other, filling in gaps that can form if you see only one of the formats. Yes, it’s a four-hour commitment, but seeing both brings it all together; viewing only the in-person version is likely to leave you impressed but scratching your head too much.

Hecht is phenomenal as Ranevskaya, a lost soul who has returned from Paris to try to save her beloved cherry orchard and estate, which is being put up for auction because the family is in debt. Also back from chekhovOS are Mark Nelson as Gaev, Ranevskaya’s brother, who, like his sister, doesn’t seem to understand the situation they’re in, and Nael Nacer as Lopakhin, whose father and grandfather were serfs toiling for the siblings’ ancestors and who is now trying to convince these faded nobles that their only option is to cut down the orchard and sell off plots for summer vacation homes, which will make them rich again.

But Ranevskaya and Gaev are like children, stuck in the past, refusing to acknowledge reality. They play with balls and spinning tops, marvel at governess Charlotta’s (Darya Denisova) magic shows, and pretend they’re playing billiards. The estate itself is represented by a tiny model of a house, as if everyone is living inside a toy. Ranevskaya is hoping that her teenage daughter, Anya (Juliet Brett), will marry perpetual student and tutor Trofimov (John McGinty) and that her adopted daughter, Varya (Elise Kibler), who manages the estate, will become betrothed to Lopakhin, who is actually in love with Ranevskaya herself. Meanwhile, the aging, ever-more-feeble servant Firs (Baryshnikov) putters about, mumbling to himself and attempting to carry out his longtime duties.

Firs (Mikhail Baryshnikov) and Madame Ranevskaya (Jessica Hecht) watch over the family estate in The Orchard (photo by Maria Baranova)

Carol Rocamora’s translation has eliminated landowner Boris Borisovich Simeonov-Pishchik, estate clerk Yepikhodov, maid Dunyasha, servant Yasha, and other minor characters to focus on the main figures as Chekhov explores the changing sociopolitical times that are going to leave the family behind. Meanwhile, the homeless passerby has been turned into a tough-talking soldier who threatens the others in Russian, evoking the current war in Ukraine. (Earlier references to Mariupol, Kharkiv, and Kyiv also remind the audience of the invasion; Golyak was born in Ukraine and has done charitable work with the company to help the people in his native country.)

But Golyak, who has also established the Zero Gravity (zero-G) Virtual Theater Lab, has added two key “characters”: a robot dog that sticks around Charlotta and, just off center, a large white Clicbot robot, resembling some kind of newfangled medical machine, that serves as a tree, a bookcase, and a mobile camera. It is big and bulky and sometimes gets in the way of the story, but it also is a kind of omniscient narrator, disruptor, and even safe haven. When the soldier confronts the others, they huddle on the robot’s platform, as if that will protect them. (Tom Sepe is the robotics designer.)

Once the auction is over, the family still won’t face the truth as the end of their legacy approaches.

Anna Fedorova’s set consists of robin’s-egg-blue benches and thousands of blue cherry blossoms scattered across the floor. The backdrop is reminiscent of thin, interconnected tree roots reconfigured as lightning strikes. Words and images are projected onto a front translucent screen, but they are often unnecessary, repeating what we are already seeing or confusingly blurry. (The projections are by Alex Basco Koch, with dramatic lighting by Yuki Nakase Link, fine period costumes by Oana Botez, music by Jakov Jakoulov, and sound by Tei Blow.)

Family and friends huddle as the end approaches in hybrid world premiere at BAC and online (photo by Pavel Antonov)

Several scenes feel extraneous, but their inclusion becomes clearer when you watch the livestream, which kicks off with a virtual tour of BAC rechristened as the Orchard and up for sale; a Zillow page shares the details of the property, which you can navigate through as a 360-degree environment. Amid rain and thunder, a prerecorded Chekhov, portrayed by the seventy-four-year-old Baryshnikov, enters the building. You move through hallways and enter various doors, behind which are six rooms, three of which you should have time to wander in: The Operation Room allows you to remove items from Chekhov’s body as he suffers from tuberculosis; peepholes let you see inside the Orchard Room, where Chekhov and his wife, Olga Knipper (Hecht), converse, in text from actual letters; and the Labyrinth Room is a kind of maze with numerous Chekhovs speaking in different videos. There are also the Winter Fishing Room, the Train Room, and the Space Room, where Chekhov/Baryshnikov cheekily notes, “I am tired as a ballet dancer after five acts and eight tableaux.” (Chekhov completed The Cherry Orchard while facing serious illness; he died of TB in 1904, six months after the show opened.)

Soon the stream links up with the live action occurring in the theater, which is shown through multiple static cameras as well as the soldier’s helmet cam, Charlotta’s handheld camera, and, mostly, the robotcam positioned at the end of the robot’s head. During these moments, you can choose which camera to watch through, offering varying perspectives of what’s happening onstage, with differing levels of visual quality. (Adam Paikowsky is the designer of emerging technologies, Alexander Huh the interactivity designer, Athomas Goldberg the technical designer, Alexey Prosvirnin the virtual sound designer, Daniel Cormino the 3D environment artist, and Yu-Jun Yeh the Unreal technical artist.)

In the scene in which Varya asks Trofimov to tell everyone about the stars and the planets, images are visible on the scrim, but online the effect is far more dynamic, as if the characters are surrounded by these colorful orbs and constellations. While Charlotta performs magic tricks onstage, which feels superfluous, it is relegated to the backdrop of the stream, where Ranevskaya, in real time, is responding to bidders’ questions about the estate and cherries.

This Orchard is very much about communication and connection, particularly at the intersection of major technological advances. In three successive scenes, the in-person audience is left at least partially in the dark as Lopakhin converses in untranslated French, the soldier speaks in untranslated Russian, and Trofimov, portrayed by the deaf McGinty, uses sign language that might not be interpreted perfectly by Anya. Ranevskaya gets a series of letters from Paris but chooses to rip them up instead of reading them. Meanwhile, throughout the play, Firs often speaks in non sequiturs, not always making sense although occasionally sharing the wisdom of a life long-lived.

Shortly after returning from Paris, Raneveskaya says, “Thank you, Firs, thank you, my darling old man. I’m so glad you’re still alive.” Firs responds, “The day before yesterday.” Gaev explains, “He’s hard of hearing.” But when Charlotta asks, “Who I am, and where I’m from — I don’t know . . . Who were my parents, were they ever married — I don’t know that, either. I don’t know anything,” Firs says, “You know more than you think you know.”

The deep dive into how we communicate is an issue that emerged during the coronavirus crisis as people used Zoom, social media, and other platforms to stay in touch when actual touch was either not allowed or too risky. Golyak and Arlekin came up with unique ways to stay connected with audiences by employing and expanding on cutting-edge technology to present interactive productions to a population starving for live entertainment. In trying to walk the fine hybrid line, The Orchard has its stumbles, particularly in its ambitious in-person staging, but the virtual aspect prepares us for what might come — and don’t forget to scan that final barcode for an AR bonus.