

The Room Plays, In A Bubble, With You featuring Simone Grossman and Robert Gemaehlich

In a Bubble, with You features Simone Grossman and Robert Gemaehlich as part of Eden Theater Company’s Room Plays

Who: Eden Theater Company
What: Short Zoom plays about isolation
Where: Zoom room
When: Tuesday, June 9, free with RSVP (donations accepted), 8:00 (followed by different productions July 9 and August 6 at 8:00)
Why: Led by producing artistic director Diane Davis and creative artistic director Cassandra Paras, the New City-based Eden Theater Company’s mission holds that by “fostering a collective of multigenerational, multidisciplinary diverse innovators, we can bridge the gap between artists and audiences of different ages, experiences, and beliefs and inspire a more authentic awareness and deeper understanding of the world we inhabit, our role in the world, and the impact of our decisions.” They are expanding their conviction that “storytelling should not be bound by convention” with their latest female-driven production, The Room Plays, the first edition of which will take place in bedrooms wherever performers are sheltering in place. On June 9 at 8:00, The Bedroom Plays will consist of The Man in the Fuchsia Mask, written by Jake Brasch, directed by Jordan Gemaehlich, and featuring Audrey Rapoport and Byron Anthony; Daeva, written by Paras, directed by Anthony, and starring Matt Pilcie and Paras; and In a Bubble, with Only You, written by Tracy Carns, directed by Davis, and featuring Simone Grossman and Robbie Gemaehlich. The three short plays, running about forty-five minutes in total, deal with the isolation and loneliness people are experiencing during the pandemic. ETC explains, “This series of short plays are at-home productions that take place in the rooms that we create for ourselves, and the rooms from which we have no immediate exit. The Room Plays provide an empathetic vantage into different experiences, different traumas, and different states of spiritual well-being while in quarantine.” ETC will move the location for the site-specific iterations scheduled for July 9 to living rooms and August 6 to bathrooms, which promise unique levels of intimacy.