Caecilia Tripp’s “Music for (prepared) Bicycles” rides into Brooklyn Museum in multiple forms for First Saturdays program
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway at Washington St.
Saturday, October 4, free, 5:00 – 11:00
After taking September off for the annual Labor Day weekend West Indian American Day Carnival celebration, the Brooklyn Museum’s First Saturday program in October will have a decidedly Latin feel. ¡Viva Brooklyn! will feature live music by Arturo O’Farrill’s Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra and youth orchestra Fat Afro Latin Jazz Cats, La Mecánica Popular, and Los Rakas; the dance performance Bailes de Ida y Vuelta by Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana; rumba and salsa lessons with Global Rhythms; an art workshop inspired by Mayan textile design; pop-up gallery talks in English and Spanish highlighting works by Latino artists; a screening of William Caballero’s How You Doin’ Boy? Voicemails from Gran’pa, followed by a talk about Puerto Rican American cultural influences; a screening of Caecilia Tripp’s Music for (prepared) Bicycles (after John Cage & Marcel Duchamp) Score Two, along with the participatory project Music for (prepared) Bicycles, in which Tripp and visitors will create a drawing of a musical score from a sonic bicycle; an interactive mural by Don Rmix in collaboration with Brooklyn Street Art; and “Pimp My Piragua,” in which Crossing Brooklyn artist Miguel Luciano will serve shaved ice from his custom-made tricycle. In addition, you can check out such exhibitions as “Revolution! Works from the Black Arts Movement,” “Killer Heels: The Art of the High-Heeled Shoe,” and “Chicago in L.A.: Judy Chicago’s Early Works, 1963–74.”