Either/Or celebrates the music of Chiyoko Szlavnics at Tenri on November 2 (photo by Matthew Billings)
Who: Either/Or
What: Live concert celebrating the music of Chiyoko Szlavnics
Where: Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, 43A West Thirteenth St. between Fifth & Sixth Aves.
When: Wednesday, November 2, $10-$20, 9:00
Why: For nearly twenty-five years, Berlin-based composer and visual artist Chiyoko Szlavnics has been expanding her unique music, using self-generated drawings to spur works that incorporate architectural and mathematical philosophies and concepts of psychoacoustic phenomena. Szlavnics, who plays the sax and the flute, has written chamber pieces and works for duos and solo electronics, including “The First Place: At the Entrance,” “For Eva Hesse (with CN),” “Freehand Poitras,” “The Spaces Between Them,” and “Ephemeralities: Listening Being(s).”

“Gradient of Detail,” by Chiyoko Szlavnics, is part of Either/Or program at Tenri Institute
On November 2 at the Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, Either/Or, the flexible experimental music ensemble that was founded by Richard Carrick in New York City in 2004, will present “Intimacy of Detail: The Music of Chiyoko Szlavnics,” an evening featuring the composer’s “(a)long lines: we’ll draw our own lines,” for flute, trombone, violin, violoncello, percussion, and sine tones; “Constellations I-III,” for piano and sine tones; and “Gradients of Detail,” for string quartet. The ensemble will consist of EO director Carrick on piano, Jennifer Choi and Pala Garcia on violin, Margaret Lancaster on flute, Hannah Levinson on viola, Alex Lough on electronics & sound, Chris Nappi on percussion, John Popham on cello, and EO curator Chris McIntyre on trombone. Tickets are $10 to $20 for what promises to be an immersive sonic experience.