Battery Dance Company hosts annual festival August 13-20 (photo by Steven Pisano)
Robert F. Wagner Jr. Park, Battery Park City
20 Battery Pl.
August 13-19, free with advance RSVP, 7:00
August 20, Schimmel Center at Pace University, $10-$75, 6:00
The forty-first annual Battery Dance Festival is back fully in person this summer, with live presentations from three dozen companies from around the globe, including several New York City and world premieres. Free performances take place August 13-19 at 7:00 at Robert F. Wagner Jr. Park in Battery Park City and will be livestreamed as well; the festival concludes August 20 at 6:00 with a ticketed indoor closing celebration and VIP reception at the Schimmel Center at Pace University ($10 for performance, $75 for VIP with priority seating and preshow Prosecco toast). Dance enthusiasts will be able to check out multiple disciplines, from tap and classical ballet to circus and Afro-Brazilian, from the US, Canada, Romania, Singapore, Denmark, Spain, and elsewhere, with some programs featuring live music.
“Lady Liberty might be tempted to shimmy and shake as dance companies from near and far take the stage at Wagner Park once again this summer. Audiences will have a tough time deciding which performance to attend,” Battery Dance founder Jonathan Hollander said in a statement.
Below is the full schedule.
Saturday, August 13, 7:00
Sydney Burtis, The Difference
Zachary Seto, Nostalgic Beings of Synesthesia
Camryn & Courtney Spero, Distance
Kate Louissant, For Love
Lerato Ragontse, In Between Change
Anya Susan, In Conversation
Myles King, The Last Foundry
Shannon Harkins, Dreams and Nightmares of a Mutant People
Sunday, August 14, 7:00
The Dancing Wheels Company, Unconquered Warriors
Ballet Nepantla, Let Down & Huasteca Suite
Linotip, Diagonal and Cain
Gaudanse, Nanibu
Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Just Above the Surface
The Vanaver Caracan, Vanaver Caravan retrospective
Monday, August 15: India Independence Day, 7:00
Anjali Dance Company, Nagendra Haraya, Pranavakaram, and Tillana
Siddendra Kuchipudi Dance Company, Naumisatam, Sringaralahari, Chandra Sherkaram, and Keedaragoula
Tuesday, August 16, 7:00
Christina Carminucci, The Solidarity Series IV: Free Spirits Suite
Linotip, Diagonal and Cain
Fairul Zahid & LaSalle Dance Singapore, Allocentric
Buglisi Dance Theatre, The Threads Project #1: “Universal Dialogues”
Boca Tuya / Omar Roman de Jesus, Los Perros del Barrio Colosal
Wednesday, August 17, 7:00
Xing Dance Theater, Citizen
Julienne Doko, Lost Memories (Mémoires Perdues)
Tati Nuñez, Touch — Returned
Dos Proposiciones Dance Theatre, Pacto de Fuga
Ntrinsik Movement, Kindred Spirit
Ballet Inc., Touche
Alison Chase/Performance, Tsu-Ku-Tsu
Thursday, August 18, 7:00
Demi Remick & Dancers, That’s Entertainment!
Floyd McLean Jr., Cold
Battery Dance, A Certain Mood
TeaTime Company, Stick-Stok
Fairul Zahid & LaSalle Dance Singapore, Allocentric
Tina Croll + Company, Balkan Bacchanal
Friday, August 19, 7:00
Dallas Black Dance Theatre, Face What’s Facing You!
Lanecoarts, Swerve
Dos Proposiciones Dance Theatre, Pacto de Fuga
I Kada Contemporary Dance Company, Unfolding
Battery Dance, Wind in the Olive Grove
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, Les Corps Avalés
Saturday, August 20, Schimmel Center at Pace University, 6:00
Boca Tuya / Omar Roman de Jesus, Los Perros del Barrio Colosal
Battery Dance, Above Deep Waters
Julienne Doko, Lost Memories (Mémoires Perdues)
TeaTime Company, Stick-Stok
Dallas Black Dance Theatre, Face What’s Facing You!
Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, Les Corps Avalés