Rich Little will shares his impressions of his life and career in free National Arts Club talk
Who: Rich Little
What: Livestreamed conversation
Where: National Arts Club online
When: Wednesday, September 15, free with RSVP, 6:00
Why: “How did I become an impersonator? Perhaps my mother was conceived by a Xerox machine!” Rich Little writes in his 2016 book, People I’ve Known and Been: Little by Little. In conjunction with the rerelease of the book and the November premiere of his new autobiographical one-man show, Rich Little Live, at the Laugh Factory at the Tropicana in Las Vegas, the Canadian-born comedian, who became a US citizen in 2010, will discuss his life and career in a livestreamed National Arts Club discussion on September 15 at 6:00. Little will talk about his many impressions, which famously include presidents (John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, both George Bushes, and Barack Obama), movie stars (Jimmy Stewart, Jack Lemmon, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicholson, and Clint Eastwood), and pop-culture figures (George Burns, Paul Lynde, Kermit the Frog, Andy Rooney, and Dr. Phil); go behind the scenes of his recent off-Broadway debut playing Nixon in Trial on the Potomac: The Impeachment of Richard Nixon at Theatre at St. Clements; and share show business anecdotes. Admission is free with advance RSVP.