


Park Ave. Armory, Wade Thompson Drill Hall
643 Park Ave. at 67th St.
May 5-9, $45

The Park Ave. Armory’s Social Distance Hall series has been selling out almost immediately, so act right now if you want to get the chance to experience Party in the Bardo, a collaboration between Laurie Anderson and Jason Moran, consisting of only four sixty-minute shows in which they will play live music over the epic soundscape that is Lou Reed: Drones, joined by special guests. The season began with Steven Hoggett, Christine Jones, and David Byrne’s SOCIAL! the social distance dance club, in which audience members get to dance in their own spotlights in the drill hall (through April 22), and continues May 9-26 with Bill T. Jones’s previously Covid-delayed Afterwardsness. Curator of the armory’s Artists Studio Series, Moran is a musician, composer, visual artist, MacArthur Fellow, and more, as depicted in his revelatory 2019-20 Whitney exhibition. In October 2015, Anderson presented Habeas Corpus at the armory with Mohammed el Gharani, a dazzling multimedia, sociopolitical installation. And Lou Reed’s former guitar tech and collaborator Stewart Hurwood has been guiding Drones through a variety of locations, from outdoors at Lincoln Center to the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, keeping Lou’s guitars humming. It should all come together for a compelling evening of improvisation and meditation at New York City’s best venue to see just about anything.