The Pentacle dance series at the Rubin concludes on May 8 with Francesca Harper
Rubin Museum of Art
150 West 17th St. at Seventh Ave.
Wednesday, May 8, $19, 6:00
On May 8, American dancer and choreographer Francesca Harper will present the final installment of the Rubin Museum’s “Pentacle” series, “Within and Between Us,” a site-specific performance in the Rubin galleries as part of the institution’s yearlong theme of power. Harper, who founded the Francesca Harper Project in 2005, has choreographed works for Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Ailey II, Tanz Graz, Hubbard Street II, Dallas Black Dance Theater, and others. There will be three shows, at 6:00 , 6:45, and 7:30. Started more than four decades ago, Pentacle “believes in the unique and critical role the artist citizen plays in our democracy, and that art and artists inspire people in many communities to understand, articulate, and seek to attain their highest aspirations for the world.” The current exhibitions on view at the Rubin are “Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism,” “Masterworks of Himalayan Art,” “The Power of Intention: Reinventing the (Prayer) Wheel,” “The Wheel of Intentions,” “Shrine Room Projects: Wishes and Offerings,” “Gateway to Himalayan Art,” and “The Tibetan Buddhist Shrine Room.”