Serena Korda will present the immersive sound performance Missing Time on the High Line this week (photo by Chris Egon Searle)
Who: Serena Korda
What: Missing Time
Where: The High Line between Twenty-Fifth & Twenty-Seventh Sts.
When: June 5-7, free, 4:00 – 7:00
Why: London-born multidisciplinary artist Serena Korda makes her American debut this week with Missing Time, an immersive sound performance taking place at the Falcone Flyover on the High Line from 4:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. “I was interested in considering how to make invisible forces palpable and create an environment of care in a world that is turning on itself,” Korda explains on her website. “Inspired by different ways of listening, the potential healing power of sound, and their use as a way of communicating, I created a series of large ceramic dish-shaped portals that act as resonators and an accompanying sound work that explore communication with the infinite cosmos.” The site-specific commission explores the history of the High Line itself, which was formerly used as a commercial shipping railway. Missing Time features Mouthful, an a cappella group consisting of Dave Camlin, Sharon Durant, Bex Mather, and Katherine Zeserson, singing the “Music of the Spheres,” inspired by the planets, while carrying low-frequency receivers picking up radio waves that visitors can hear on headphones. “The trains, the industry, and the wilderness that once overran the space are all ghosts, and it is this paranormal activity of the High Line that I wish to explore,” Korda said in a statement. Admission is free, and no RSVP is required.