Catherine Cusset will discuss the life and work of David Hockney in FIAF talk (photo © Francesca Mantovani / éditions Gallimard)
Who: Catherine Cusset, Eric Mourlot
What: Conversation and book signing
Where: French Institute Alliance Française, Le Skyroom, 55 East 59th St. between Madison & Park Aves., 212-355-6160
When: Wednesday, January 24, $35, 7:00
Why: On January 24, French writer Catherine Cusset will be at FIAF to discuss her new book, Vie de David Hockney, which explores the intersection of the life and work of British painter David Hockney as she imagines he thinks and feels about it. Farther uptown, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is currently hosting a superb Hockney retrospective, an expansive, color-drenched exhibition that continues through February 25. Cusset, who has written such award-winning novels as Le problème avec Jane and L’autre quvon adorait, will be speaking with Eric Mourlot, the founder of Galerie Mourlot on East Seventy-Ninth St., whose family has been in the art business for more than a century. The conversation, which will take place in English, will be followed by a book signing