Legendary cartoonist Kim Deitch will discuss his current work-in-progress at NYC symposium
Who: Kim Deitch
What: NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium
Where: The New School, the Klein Conference Room (A510), 66 West Twelfth St. between Fifth & Sixth Aves.
When: Tuesday, January 26, free, 7:00
Why: L.A.-born, New York-based cartoonist Kim Deitch, the Eisner Award-winning author and illustrator of such works as The Boulevard of Broken Dreams, A Shroud for Waldo, Shadowland, and The Amazing, Enlightening, and Absolutely True Adventures of Katherine Whaley, is the special guest at the 141st meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium, being held at the New School on January 26 at 7:00. The underground legend, aka Fowlton Means, will present an illustrated lecture on his latest project, a semiautobiographical tale of reincarnation in which virtually nothing is true. The 139th meeting, held December 15, featured a panel on Hugo Pratt, while the 140th meeting, held December 21, consisted of an illustrated talk by Peter Blegvad. The spring season continues through May 10 with such other cartoonists as Monroe Price, Archie Rand, Paula McDowell, Sara Lipton, Sam Gross, and Kristen McKinney. As always, admission is free and open to the public.