

Chelsea Murphy and Magda San Millan (photo by Yi-Chun Wu)

Chelsea Murphy and Magda San Millan will host the DANCENOW Challenge at Joe’s Pub on September 12 (photo by Yi-Chun Wu)

Joe’s Pub
425 Lafayette St. by Astor Pl.
September 9-12, 24, $20-$30, 7:00

For its twentieth annual season, the DANCENOW Joe’s Pub Festival looks to the past, present, and future of the artistic discipline, as fifty choreographers return to the small Lafayette St. stage to present works of no more than five minutes. The festival, which encourages experimentation and innovation, takes place September 9-12, with each night hosted by different dance makers and DANCENOW veterans. “This celebration is about honoring the amazing artists, many of whom got their start through DANCENOW and now have very successful careers, who took a leap of faith to create work for our unconventional programs over the past two decades,” DANCENOWNYC founder and producer Robin Staff said in a statement. “After twenty years, DANCENOW remains steadfast in its ‘less is more’ vision, embracing limitation as a powerful inspiration for creativity.” On September 9, Raja Feather Kelly/feath3r theory and B.S. MOVEMENT: Bryan Strimpel and Shaina Branfman oversee a program with such choreographers and companies as the Bang Group, Aszure Barton & Artists, Jane Comfort & Company, and PearsonWidrig DanceTheater. On September 10, Deborah Lohse/a.k.a. TruDee and Mark Gindick host binbinFACTORY/Satoshi Haga & Rei Fukuzawa, Li Chiao-Ping Dance, Heidi Latsky, and others. September 11 includes Jamal Jackson Dance Company, Gus Solomons Jr., TAKE Dance, and ZviDance, with hosts Larry Keigwin and Nicole Wolcott. And September 12 is led by Chelsea Murphy and Magda San Millan (Chelsea & Magda), with Doug Elkins Choreography, Claire Porter/PORTABLES, Amber Sloan, and more. On September 24, there will be a dozen encore performances, along with special guests Brian Brooks and Nicholas Leichter.