Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche will give a special talk with Erric Solomon on the Lower East Side on August 14
Jewel and Lotus Ethical Pop-up Shop & Gallery
Mark Miller Gallery
92 Orchard St. between Allen & Essex Sts.
Friday, August 14, $25, advance RSVP recommended, reception at 6:15, presentation at 7:15
“Normally, we think when we have the right stuff in the right circumstances, happiness happens,” notes Phakchok Rinpoche. “But we really don’t have to depend on the stuff and the circumstances; we need only to make a slight yet radical shift. And then we will be happy no matter what.” Sounds good, but what, or who, is a rinpoche? “Rinpoche” is an honorific, applied to Tibetan Buddhist teachers, much like “Rabbi” is applied to Jewish ones. Tibetan Buddhism is getting more attention lately, and the Dalai Lama receives plenty of publicity. Buddhist references abound in popular culture, too (The Matrix, anyone? Or Jon Stewart’s “moment of Zen”?) but what does its philosophy actually say? On Friday night on the Lower East Side, a popular young Tibetan teacher and a former Silicon Valley executive will try to bring the concepts down to earth for the contemporary mind. Thirtysomething Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche, a member of a historic family of Tibetan teachers, is known for his sharp wit, realism, sense of humor, and accessible speaking. He received traditional Tibetan Buddhist training in the Nyingma tradition, and he’s been teaching throughout the world for the last ten years (as well as occasionally hopping on a Citi Bike to get around when he’s in town). There’s more info at his website and in his online teaching program, but you can hear him in person at this informal Friday evening gathering at the second annual Jewel and Lotus Ethical Pop-up Shop & Gallery, where he and Erric Solomon, a Silicon Valley software success who retired early and then spent three years on retreat in Tibet (and now runs whatmeditationreallyis.com), will be talking about how to be happy. And on a warm summer night on the Lower East Side, that seems like a very good thing to learn. (The pop-up shop and gallery show continue through August 23, featuring Rutongo Embroideries from Rwanda, calligraphy by Marlow Brooks, and items from more than twenty ethically conscious brands. There will also be a fashion party on August 20.)