Jack Ferver explores the similarities between the late Fred Herko and himself in NIGHT LIGHT BRIGHT LIGHT
Who: Jack Ferver
What: Night Light Bright Light, part of American Realness performance festival, which continues through January 23
Where: Abrons Arts Center Playhouse, 466 Grand St. at Pitt St., 212-598-0400
When: Wednesday, January 14, 6:30, Friday, January 16, 10:00, and Sunday, January 18, 7:00, $20
Why: Multidisciplinary performance artist Jack Ferver pays tribute to late dancer, actor, and choreographer Fred Herko, a kindred spirit who, at the age of twenty-eight in 1964, took a bath and danced naked to Mozart music right out a window; Ferver, who has performed such previous deeply personal works as Two Alike, Rumble Ghost, All of a Sudden, and Mon, Ma, Mes, notes on his website that like Herko, “I am a dancer, an actor, a choreographer, and I love taking baths and I have danced naked though have yet to jeté out a window. I have often talked about suicide with my childhood friend Reid Bartelme. Reid will join me in the work. Reid is a beautiful dancer. Reid will make sure I don’t jump.”