


BAM Fisher, Fishman Space
321 Ashland Pl.
September 12-15, $20-$50

In such previous performances as Furnace and A Timeless Kaidan, the Brooklyn-based LEIMAY company have combined striking lighting and visuals with Butoh-inspired movement and electronic music to create mesmerizing works that often employ nudity as they test the capacity of the human body. For its latest avant-garde piece, LEIMAY — Colombian-born dancer and choreographer Ximena Garnica and Japan-born video artist Shige Moriya, the duo behind CAVE, the New York Butoh Festival, and the Williamsburg SOAK festival — has created the immersive multimedia performance installation Becoming – Corpus, running at BAM Fisher September 12-15. Part of BAM’s Professional Development Program, Becoming – Corpus consists of a visual art installation in BAM Fisher’s Peter Jay Sharp Lobby that includes molds of Garnica’s and Moriya’s bodies and investigates their creative process, along with four dance presentations in the Fishman Space featuring Masanori Asahara, Andrew Braddock, Andrea Jones, Liz McAuliffe, Denisa Musilova, Eija Ranta, Tommy Schell, and Savina Theodoru. The show incorporates a real-time six-channel video designed by Moriya and a live electronic score by Roland Toledo and Christopher Loar with meditative movement choreographed by Garnica. The September 12 show is a benefit performance that will be followed by an opening party and a silent auction; there will also be a post-show audience roundtable on September 13, the preshow “Tracing the Art” talk with Garnica and Moriya on September 14, and a closing night toast on September 15. To see our 2012 interview with Garnica and Moriya, please go here.