Fleisher’s Grass-Fed & Organic Meats will cater Thursday night’s “Farm to Film to Table: Meat Your Butcher” at NYC Food Film Festival
AMC Loews Village 7 (unless otherwise noted)
66 Third Ave. at 11th St.
October 17-21, $50-$135
The sixth annual NYC Food Film Festival takes the concept of dinner and a movie to a whole new level with five days of food porn this week. The festival combines film screenings with tastings and gourmet experts, all centered around the acts of eating and drinking. On Wednesday night at the New York Distilling Company in Brooklyn, chef Chris Rendell will host a sold-out benefit for the Food Bank for NYC that includes the U.S. premiere of Olav Verhoeven’s Whisky: The Islay Edition along with whisky and Scottish food pairings and two shorts. On Thursday, “Farm to Film to Table: Meat Your Butcher” is another benefit for the Food Bank ($75-$95), consisting of Suzanne Wasserman’s Meat Hooked!, Lindsay Blatt and Paul Taggart’s Farm to Table, and Dan Fisher, Becky Liscum, and Gail Grasso’s Farmer Poet, accompanied by a tasting menu from Northern Spy Food Co., Fleisher’s, and Dirt Candy (and Alobar, Alewife, Jimmy’s No. 43, and One Mile House for VIPs). Friday night’s I ♥ Japan event ($75-$95), which benefits the Food Bank and the Japan Earthquake Relief Fund, includes such films as Anne Madden’s New York Cooks for Tohoku and Michael McAteer’s Ramen Dreams and tastings courtesy of Michael Romano, Tadashi Ono, François Payard, Craig Koketsu, and Bill Telepan. Saturday afternoon’s “Edible Adventures: Sweets, Meats & Fun Buns” is sold out, but there are still ticketing options for Saturday night’s Food Porn Party and Awards Ceremony hosted by Cat Greenleaf, with eleven films and delicacies from chef Brad Farmerie, Top Pot Doughnuts, and the Brooklyn Star. The festivities come to a tasty conclusion on Sunday night at IndieScreen with the Lowcountry Oyster Roast ($95-$135), highlighted by festival founder George Motz’s The Mud and the Blood and an all-you-can-eat Bulls Bay oyster roast as well as dishes by chef Robert Stehling.