Wong Kar Mun (Lee Sin-Je) is seeking to see things in a different way in the Pang brothers thriller THE EYE
THE EYE (JIAN GUI) (Danny & Oxide Pang, 2002)
MoMA Film
Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd St. between Fifth & Sixth Aves.
Wednesday, November 16, 7:00, and Saturday, November 19, 4:00
Series runs through November 21
Tickets: $10, in person only, may be applied to museum admission within thirty days, same-day screenings free with museum admission, available at Film and Media Desk beginning at 9:30 am
The Pang Brothers, who hail from Thailand, will creep you out with this tale of a woman who receives an eye transplant and starts seeing strange paranormal events. Lee Sin-Je is excellent as Wong Kar Mun, a musician who is suddenly cast into a frightening world — which belonged to Ling (Chutcha Ruhinanon), the original owner of her eyes. As Dr. Wah (Lawrence Chou) tries to help her, she heads from Hong Kong to Thailand to try to find out Ling’s terrifying secret. Stick with this one; the payoff’s a doozy. But skip the awful sequel, a boring, repetitive snoozefest starring Shu Qi, as well as the Hollywood remake starring Jessica Alba. The Eye is screening on November 16 and 19 as part of MoMA’s tribute to the twentieth anniversary of Fortissimo Films, which continues with such international works as Wisit Sasanatieng’s Tears of the Black Tiger, Pen-Ek Ratanaruang’s Last Life in the Universe, and Pieter Kramer’s Yes Nurse! No Nurse!