

Art lovers will be rushing to see a host of special talks and discussions this month, including Alexey Titarenko at Nailya Alexander

Art lovers will be rushing to see a host of special talks and discussions this month, including Alexey Titarenko at Nailya Alexander

The last week of this month is filled with some intriguing, exciting public art talks all around town, offering insight into specific exhibits, artists, and movements. On March 23 (free, 6:30), photographer Barbara Probst, who takes pictures of created scenes from multiple angles at the same time, will speak at Aperture as part of the Parsons Lecture Series. Also on March 23 ($15, 6:30), architect Shigeru Ban, composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, and artist Mariko Mori join moderator Stefano Tonchi at the Japan Society for “Conscious Inspiration: Juxtaposing Nature & Art Form,” a panel discussion about art and environmentalism. Béatrice Coron, who is included in the excellent “Slash” show at the Museum of Arts & Design, will participate in the latest “Rock, Paper, Scissors!” gallery talk at FIAF on March 24 ($15, 7:00), discussing “The Silhouette World of Béatrice Coron.” Also on March 24 ($15, 7:00), the Photographer Lecture Series at ICP focuses on JoAnn Verburg, who will speak with Phillip S. Block in conjunction with the opening of her latest exhibit, “Interruptions,” at Pace/MacGill, and Deborah Hay will present a Lecture on the Performance of Beauty in the Great Hall at the Cooper Union (free, 7:00). On March 25, Freedom Riders Joseph Charles Jones and George Bundy Smith will participate in a civil rights panel discussion with Blanche Wiesen Cook, Dr. Victoria Pérez-Rios, Bettina Carbonell, Lisa Farrington, and artist Charlotta Janssen at the closing of Janssen’s “Freedom Riders & Bus Boycotters” painting exhibit at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (free, 6:30). Also on March 25, Ghada Amer will speak with curator Sam Bardaouil at the Swiss Institute as part of the Across Histories series (free, 6:30), Dan Cameron will talk about Project New Orleans at the New York Academy of Art (free, 6:30), and Alfredo Jaar will screen his new short film, THE ASHES OF PASOLINI, followed by a discussion between him and David Levi Strauss at the SVA Theatre (free, 7:00). The New School will be hosting the illustration symposium “The Artist as Author” on March 27 (free, 3:00 – 8:30), featuring Ben Katchor, Patricia Mainardi, Emily Lauer, David Kurnick, and Jerry Moriarty. On March 30 (free, 5:30), photography fans can Meet the Artist at the Nailya Alexander Gallery, talking to Alexey Titarenko about his stunning series “Saint Petersburg in Four Movements.” Also on March 30 ($10, 7:00), Craig Dykers lectures on “Conditions of Architecture & Current Works” at Scandinavia House, a companion lecture to the exhibition “SNØHETTA: architecture – landscape – interior,” and Sanford Biggers and Lorraine O’Grady will speak with PERFORMA founding director and curator RoseLee Goldberg in the latest installment of MoMA’s Among Friends series, followed by a cocktail reception ($35, 7:00).