Ernesto Neto, “The Sun Lits Life, Let the Son,” polypropylene and polyester rope, plastic balls, plants, terra cotta, black pepper, turmeric, cumin, and cloves, 2012 (photo by twi-ny/mdr)
Tanya Bonakdar Gallery
521 West 21st St. between Tenth & Eleventh Aves.
Through May 25, free, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
slow iis good slideshow
Brazilian mixed-media artist Ernesto Neto, who filled the Park Ave. Armory three years ago with the giant exoskeleton “Anthropodino,” has created another organic treat for the senses, “Slow iis good, with my back to the world!” On view at Tanya Bonakdar through Saturday, “Slow iis good” consists of two floors of colorful crocheted polypropylene and polyester cord works highlighted by several pieces that invite visitors inside, engaging their senses of sight, smell, touch, and hearing. On the first floor, the sonic “SoundWay” (be sure to shake the sides) leads to “The Island Bird,” which resembles the lower half of an enormous body, with the extended feet serving as an entrance to a playful central area that dangles from the ceiling. With your shoes off, you can follow the unsteady path as you walk over plastic black balls and relax in a cushioned rest stop. While inside, you not only merge with the piece, becoming part of it, but you can look out and see other smaller works, such as “Grub” and “Sorry, I Don’t Know Exactly Where to Go,” hanging on the walls and residing on the floor, offering a different perspective from the usual gallery experience. Upstairs you are greeted by the cozy “Labor,” where you can sit down and examine one of the spinning machines used to do the heavily detailed and time-consuming crocheting. Next, in a small gallery off to the side, you can take a load off in “Blue Hammock” or “Green Hammock,” which are as comfortable as they appear. The last room holds another surprise, “The Sun Lits Life, Let the Son,” a bridgelike structure with rocks and more plastic balls, surrounded by hanging plants and spices, the scents of black pepper, turmeric, cumin, cloves, and greenery combining with the feeling of antigravity to lift you into another dimension. As the title says, “Slow iis good”; take your time making your way through the works, which are certainly fun but also disorienting, as you have to be careful to maintain your balance in the two larger pieces, but it’s well worth it.