


Olaf Nicolai’s “Why women like to buy textiles that feel nice” is part of Frieze’s New York unveiling (photo by twi-ny/mdr)

Randall’s Island Park
May 4-7, $40, 12 noon – 6:00 pm
frieze art fair new york slideshow

The highly touted Frieze Art Fair made its debut in London in 2003, and for the first time it has moved across the Atlantic for a New York edition, which continues through Monday. Taking place on Randall’s Island, Frieze New York is set inside a long white tent, with a handful of specially commissioned projects on the surrounding grass. It’s more or less a standard art fair, with familiar American and British galleries alongside a smattering from other countries, showing contemporary sculpture, painting, drawing, video, photography, and installation. You never know whom you might bump into at these oh-so-chic events; we found ourselves greeting master chef Daniel Boulud and controversial artist Andres Serrano while wandering around on Sunday afternoon. Although there’s a lot to like about Frieze — especially that it’s spread out just enough to not get ridiculously overcrowded — we’re still trying to figure out what all of the excess hubbub is about. At $40 a ticket and an additional $40 if you want the catalog, it is certainly not cheap. Getting there does require either ferry service from Midtown East or special bus service, but it is not nearly as treacherous as one might expect. As for the art itself, you can view our online slideshow here to see some of our favorites. If you do go on Monday, be sure to check out Taryn Simon’s talk at 1:00 about her new MoMA exhibit, “A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters I–XVIII,” while map lovers should enjoy the 3:00 panel discussion “Collection Cartographies.”