


Kim Rose and band endured much personal hardship during making of debut album

Don Hill’s
511 Greenwich St. at Spring St.
Friday, June 25, 10:30

Not all of the happening music scene will be taking place in Brooklyn this weekend at the Northside Festival. New York-based musician Kim Rose will unleash her crunching hard rock and epic power ballads Friday night at 10:30 at Don Hill’s, celebrating the release of her debut CD, YEAR OF SEVERED TIES, twelve tunes about struggling to find one’s identity in a world gone wrong, filled with personal crisis and decrying the lack of real communication so prevalent in today’s society. “The soul won’t shake / Your worst mistakes / Hearts dissolve / Without resolve / Still I cannot see / The person I should be / How many promises can you break?” Rose asks in “Broken Frames.” Singer-guitarist Rose, bassist Nate Stevens, drummer Anthony DeVizio, and guitarist and co-songwriter Geoff Barone will be at Don Hill’s anchoring “Friends of Enemies: Unsigned VIP Tour,” which also features Hot in the City (6:00), the Narrative (6:45), My Arcadia (7:30), With the Punches (8:15), Barely Blind (9:00), and Set It Off (9:45).