Photographer of the Week
1. Andreas Feininger in Chelsea and Murray Hill
4. Hong Kong cinema at Lincoln Center
5. Fashion, Jewish music, and avant-garde performance all over town
Volume 7, Number 20
October 17-31, 2007
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Fred Gates Design, New York.
42nd Street, NY as Viewed from Weehawken, NJ, 1946 (detail)
Alan Klotz Gallery
511 West 25th St. between Tenth & Eleventh Aves., Suite 701
Through November 13
Open Wednesday through Saturday
Admission: free
Photographer Andreas Feininger (1906-99) was born in Paris, educated in Germany, then moved to Sweden before settling down in New York City, where he worked for Life magazine for twenty years. The son of painter Lyonel Feininger, Andreas earned an architectural degree and apprenticed briefly with Le Corbusier before turning his attention fully to photography. The Alan Klotz Gallery in Chelsea is currently featuring eighteen modern and two vintage gelatin silver prints by Feininger, taken primarily in and around New York City between 1940 and 1958. The black-and-white photos are heavily influenced by Feininger’s architectural background, with shots of buildings, bridges, and skylines. Feininger had a fabulous eye for composition, as evidenced by stunning shots of the George Washington Bridge, the crowded beach at Coney Island, and Sands St. stores. One of his most remarkable shots is looking down at a huge mob gathered in Times Square for a Billy Graham rally in 1957, the photograph seeming to breathe all on its own. Feininger was also attracted to travel, favoring shots of cruise ships, loading docks, train stations, and trolleys. The most unusual photograph is of Slinky-like light shooting up from a navy helicopter’s spinning rotors, achieved with a strobe light and carefully managed exposure time. Feininger’s vision of New York is unique and transfixing, filled with shadow and fog, with people rarely in the foreground of the image. After checking out these photos, head over to Scandinavia House, where Feininger’s impressive photographs of Stockholm are on view through November 7.
Gnarly Willow Trees, 70th Street Near West End Avenue, New York City, 1891
Through November 13
Open Wednesday through Saturday
Admission: free
Born in Germany in 1849, Robert L. Bracklow moved to New York City with his family when he was four, spending the rest of his life living in Hell’s Kitchen while taking photographs and working in a stationery store, which he eventually owned. Signing his prints with the tag “Glimpses Through the Camera,” Bracklow, a member of the New York Camera Club and contemporary of Edward Steichen’s and Alfred Stieglitz’s, captured the city as it has rarely been seen. The twelve vintage albumen prints on view in the back room of the Alan Klotz Gallery, all dating from 1890 to 1892, include a view of the Washington Bridge, apple trees, city hall, and emigrants arriving in Castle Garden. It is fascinating to see how familiar locations have changed over the last hundred years or so, as evidenced by Bracklow’s shot of the statue of Christopher Columbus standing virtually all alone at 59th Street and Eighth Avenue, where today it is at the center of a bustling commercial area. “Old House on the Boulevard and 66th Street” and “Church of All Angels, Episcopal, 81st St. and 10th Avenue” also reveal what the city looked like not that long ago. And be sure to compare Bracklow’s tender shot of Coney Island with Andreas Feininger’s stunning crowded beach scene, taken fifty-nine years later.
Kungsgatan, View from Malmskillnadsgatan
Scandinavia House
58 Park Ave. at 38th St.
Tuesday Saturday, 12 noon 6:00 pm
Through November 7
Admission: $3
In 1933, Andrea Feininger arrived in Sweden intent on pursuing his career as an architect, but he sort of fell into becoming a photographer. Influenced by the Bauhaus (where his father had taught) and the constructivist work of László Moholy-Nagy, Feininger turned his camera on the architecture of Stockholm, capturing the city streets, docks, buildings, and trolley stations. Drawn to ships and the sea, Feininger took fabulous shots of bridges; in one particular picture, which he called “Vasterbron, the New Time-Saving Connection Between Kungsholm and Sodermalm,” the bridge’s underside can be seen reflected in the icy water, shimmering on the surface. In these pictures taken in the capital of Sweden, Feininger mixes German Expressionism with Russian constructivism, Neue Sachlichkeit, and even a little surrealism. A shot taken from below on a street in Prastgatan is reminiscent of a Miro painting. Darkness crawls up a white apartment complex. The curving line of a bridge in Tranebergsbron pulls the viewer in with its sensuality. And side-by-side shots of people, cars, and trolleys making their way down a street in Kungsgatan are filled with long, eerie, captivating shadows. The exhibit is a wonderful complement to the show at the Alan Klotz Gallery; in fact, you could interchange several of the photos and not recall whether they were taken in New York or Stockholm. The majority of the fifty photos on view come from Feininger’s 1936 book, STOCKHOLM, most of which can also be found in the beautiful catalog for the exhibition, published by the Stockholms Stadsmuseum and available at Scandinavia House.
Max von Sydow and Ghita Nørby in Jan Troells HAMSUN
Victor Borge Hall
Wednesday, October 17 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 THE VICAR OF VEJLBY (PRÆSTEN I VEJLBY) (George Schnéevoigt, 1931), $8, 6:30
Thursday, October 18 Nordic Shorts: New Short Films from Finland & Sweden, followed by a vodka reception, 6:30
Friday, October 19 Ole Böhn: Griegs Violin Sonatas, $15, 8:00
Saturday, October 20 Icelandic Childrens Theater: Skoppa & Skritla Return!, for ages nine months to six years old, $8, 11:00 am in Icelandic, 1:00 pm in English
Saturday, October 20 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 THE VICAR OF VEJLBY (PRÆSTEN I VEJLBY) (George Schnéevoigt, 1931), $8, 3:00
Wednesday, October 24 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 DITTE, CHILD OF MAN (DITTE MENNESKEBARN) (Bjarne Henning-Jensen, 1946), $8, 6:30
Saturday, October 27 Order in the Flowerbeds! Said Linneaus, play written by Margaretha Löfblad and directed and performed by puppeteers Margaretha Löfblad and Per Löfbladages, six to twelve, $10, 1:00
Saturday, October 27 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 DITTE, CHILD OF MAN (DITTE MENNESKEBARN) (Bjarne Henning-Jensen, 1946), $8, 3:00
Monday, October 29 New Voices in Nordic Literature: Contemporary Scandinavian Multicultural Literature A Lecture by Professor Ingeborg Kongslien, free, 6:30
Wednesday, October 31 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 HAMSUN (Jan Troell, 1996), $8, 6:30
Saturday, November 3 Icelandic Childrens Theater: Skoppa & Skritla Find the Elves, for ages nine months to six years old, $8, 11:00 am in Icelandic, 1:00 pm in English
Saturday, November 3 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 HAMSUN (Jan Troell, 1996), $8, 3:00
Wednesday, November 7 A Celebration of Danish Cinema: Nordisk Film at 100 CHILDREN OF DIVORCE (SKILSMISSENS BØRN) (Benjamin Christensen, 1939), 6:30
Horror flicks come to life on West 27th St.
542 West 27th St. between Tent & Eleventh Aves.
Thursdays through Sundays plus October 29-31
Tickets: $20-$25
Through Wednesday, October 31 The Nightmare on 27th St., featuring frightening rooms often based on horror flicks, 7:30 pm 1:00 am
CSV Cultural Center
107 Suffolk St. at Rivington St.
Tickets: $25-$50 for different packages including Haunted House, Maze, and VIP Gift Bag
Through Saturday, November 3 Featuring a classic walk-through Haunted House with twenty-three terrifying rooms, and the brand-new Maze
Coney Island Sideshows by the Seashore
3006 West 12th St. at Surf Ave.
Admission: $8 adults, $5 kids under twelve
Friday, October 19
Sunday, October 21 Adult-oriented spookhouse, including creepy tour of building, lots of freaks, and live entertainment as Scarry Rotter and Dummydorf battle the Dark Lord to save the quaint and quiet carny village of Coney Island from being turned into a Mega Theme Park, 7:00 11:00 pm
Thursday, October 25
Wednesday, October 31 Adult-oriented spookhouse, including creepy tour of building, lots of freaks, and live entertainment as Scarry Rotter and Dummydorf battle the Dark Lord to save the quaint and quiet carny village of Coney Island from being turned into a Mega Theme Park, 7:00 11:00 pm
Merchants House Museum
29 East Fourth St. between Lafayette St. and the Bowery
Thursday, October 25
Tuesday, October 30 Candlelight Ghost Tour: Mourning Becomes Eliza, featuring re-created scenes relating true tales of "Manhattans Most Haunted House," reservations required, $15-$25, 6:00 10:00 pm
Sunday, October 28 Mid-19th-century Funeral & Cemetery Tour, re-creating the 1865 funeral of Seabury Tredwell, including march to New York Marble Cemetery with black armbands, $5-$10, 3:00
Wednesday, October 31 Trick or Treat: Halloween Open House, free, 12 noon 5:00
Wednesday, October 31 Spine-tingling & True: Ghost Stories of the Merchants House Museum, with Anthony Bellov, $5-$15, 7:00 & 9:00
A young girl gets painted by a witch at the Great Pumpkin Party in the Winter Garden
World Financial Center Winter Garden
225 Vesey St.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27 Annual Halloween pumpkin party, featuring face painting, pumpkin decorating, storytelling, and the Magical Great Pumpkin, 12 noon 4:00 pm
National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution
George Gustav Heye Center
Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House
1 Bowling Green
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27 Performances, storytelling, and workshops honoring the memory of the departed, featuring Danza Mexica Cetiliztli Nauhcampa, hands-on workshops, and the Dedication of the Altar, 1:00 5:00 pm
Central Park
Charles A. Dana Discovery Center
Inside the park at 110th St. between Fifth & Lenox Aves.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27 Seventeenth annual event, featuring headdress-making workshop, lawn games, costume parade, jack-o-lantern and costume contests, and sunset flotilla of candlelit pumpkins on the Harlem Meer, 4:00 - 7:00
Prospect Park
Lefferts Historic House / Audubon Center
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27 Annual Halloween Haunted Walk and Carnival, featuring monsters on Lookout Hill, carnival on the Nethermead, live music, hayrides, games, candy, and more, 12 noon 3:00
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28 Haunted Carousel ($1.50), Scary Stories from the Past, Skeleton Scharen-Knippen Cut-Outs, Creepy Crawly Halloween, and more, 12 noon 5:00
Hudson River Park
Pier 54, West 14th St. & the West Side Highway
Admission: free (some activities $2)
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28 Featuring a haunted house, face painting, wax hands, rides, and the Maze of Horrors, 12 noon 9:00 pm
139 Norfolk St.
Monday through Friday, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00, Saturday & Sunday 7:00 & 10:00
Fee: $75 per car of six people
Saturday, October 27
Wednesday, October 31 GrandOpening will be screening classic horror films from 1960 to 2000; reservations, which are nearly impossible to get, are available ten days prior to each screening, starting at 9:00 am that morning
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Cherry Esplanade
1000 Washington Ave.
Admission: $8 adults, children under 12 free
Sunday, October 28 Halloween celebration featuring weird workshops and other oddities, including singing gourds, ghost portraits, corn grinding, giant puppets, plant jewelry, Phydeauxs Flying Flea Circus of Fate, a tattoo parlor, a batty book corner, a costume parade and drum circle, carnivorous plant feedings, live performances by the Mariachi Academy of New York, Constant Wonder & the Wonder Band, Bill Carneys Jug Addicts, Lady Corvid and Her Flock of Crows, Gwendolyn and the Good Time Gang, AudraRox, and Slavic Soul Party, and more, 12 noon - 6:00
Theater for the New City
155 First Ave. at Tenth St.
Outdoor entertainment: free, 5:00 to 8:00 pm
Indoor tickets: $20, 8:00 pm to 1:00 am
Wednesday, October 31 Thirty-first annual event featuring free outdoor party from 5:00 to 8:00, with stilt walkers, jugglers, fire-eaters, vaudeville and burlesque entertainment, and the Red and Black Masque medieval ritual show, followed by ticketed indoor party featuring the Witches Cauldron grand buffet, Monsters and Miracles Costume Parade and contest at 11:30, and live music from the Great Paprika Band and the Hot Lavendar Swing Band
Sixth Ave. from Spring to 22nd Sts.
Marchers meet at 6:30, parade starts at 7:00
Admission: free
Wednesday, October 31 Thirty-fourth annual parade: "Wings of Desire," featuring more than fifty bands, dance groups, Giant Puppets, and more
The Big Sleep wakes up the CMJ Music Marathon
Multiple venues
Marathon Badge: $495
VIP Badge: $750
More than a thousand bands will descend on New York City for the annual CMJ Music Marathon, running October 16-20, playing their hearts out in an effort to get recognized and reach that next level. Although some of the bands have experienced some level of success, the vast majority are little-known groups looking to break out.
Don’t be scared by the $495 price tag for a marathon badge, which gets you into just about every show for “free,” save for a handful of sell-outs, and you’ll still have to wait on line, hoping there’s room to see some of the more popular acts. Nearly all of the events are open to the public, with tickets usually going for between $5 and $12 for as many as five or six bands on a single bill, so you can even stop by a few places to catch a wide variety of acts in one long, furious night.
Tuesday, October 16 Regina Spektor, Hammerstein Ballroom, $35, 6:30
Tuesday, October 16 The Rosebuds, Dean & Britta, the Most Serene Republic, Miracle Fortress, the Shaky Hands, and Bon Iver, Bowery Ballroom, $16, 7:00
Tuesday, October 16 Care Bears on Fire, Love Takes Flight, the Beast of Eden, Oppenheimer, Rochester Road, the GoStation, Crash Mansion, free, 7:00
Tuesday, October 16 Q-Tip, Gramercy, $25-$30, 7:00
It’s nearly impossible to whittle recommendations to a mere handful, but here’s a bunch of shows that should be pretty hot. Dean & Britta, from the recently retired indie sweethearts Luna, will be at the Bowery Ballroom October 16 with the Rosebuds, the Most Serene Republic, Miracle Fortress, the Shaky Hands, Bon Iver, and Voxtrot. Also on the 16, Care Bears on Fire, Love Takes Flight, the Beast of Eden, Oppenheimer, Rochester Road, and the GoStation will by teaming up for a free show at Crash Mansion.
Deerhunter fires away at the Bowery Ballroom on October 17
On October 17, Deerhunter, Dan Deacon, No Age, White Williams, and Ponytail will have fans lining up at the Bowery Ballroom, while Rock and Roll, the Rosewood Thieves, the Airborne Toxic Event, Eagle Seagull, the Little Ones, Robbers on High Street, and Eskimo Joe will be filling up Mercury Lounge.
We highly advise taking a long lunch and catching Thurston Moore and his band playing songs from his new solo disc, "Trees Outside the Academy," at the Apple SoHo store at 2:00. And the Big Sleep, who put on a great show this summer at the Prospect Park Bandshell, will be taking the stage at Brooklyn’s Soundfix Records with Fatal Flying Guilloteens, Pre, Aeroplane Pageant, the Muggabears, and the Jealous Girlfriends later that night.
Wednesday, October 17 Balthrop, Alabama, the Big Sleep, the Muggabears, the Jealous Girlfriends, Elk City, Aeroplane Pageant, Pre, Fatal Flyin' Guillotines, Soundfix Records, 3:00
Wednesday, October 17 Holly Beth Vincent, Nikki Corvette and the Stingrays, the Little Girls, Miss Georgia Peach, and Black Tie Revue, Southpaw, $12, 7:00
Wednesday, October 17 Deerhunter, Dan Deacon, No Age, White Williams, and Ponytail, Bowery Ballroom, $16, 7:00
Wednesday, October 17 Rock and Roll, the Rosewood Thieves, the Airborne Toxic Event, Eagle Seagull, the Little Ones, Robbers on High Street, and Eskimo Joe, Mercury Lounge, $12, 7:00
Wednesday, October 17 Holy F--k, Cadence Weapon, Videohippos, New Violators, Oh No! Oh My!, Turbo Fruits, Bald Eagle, and Titus Andronicus, Galapagos, $5, 8:00
The Holy F--k will get down and dirty at Webster Hall on October 18
Thursday, October 18 British Sea Power, Pela, 1990s, Tiny Masters of Today, Stardeath and White Dwarfs, the Grey Race, $15, 7:00
Thursday, October 18 Turbo Fruits, Cheap Time, Miss Alex White, the Intelligence, Jay Reatard, the Dirtbombs, $12, 7:00
Thursday, October 18 Speck Mountain, Le Loup, Papercuts, Bowerbirds, His Name Is Alive, and St. Vincent, Knitting Factory Main Space, $12-$14, 7:00
Thursday, October 18 Simian Mobile Disco, Crystal Castles, Invisible Conga People, Music Hall of Williamsburg, $18, 9:00
British Sea Power sails into the Bowery Ballroom on October 18, with Pela, 1990s, Tiny Masters of Today, Stardeath and White Dwarfs, and the Grey Race, while Simian Mobile Disco, Crystal Castles, and Invisible Conga People invade the Music Hall of Williamsburg and Turbo Fruits, Cheap Time, Miss Alex White, the Intelligence, Jay Reatard, and the Dirtbombs get things cooking at Mercury Lounge.
Thursday, October 18 New Young Pony Club, Muscles DJ set by Simian Mobile Disco, the Cool Kids, Studio B, $10, 10:00
Thursday, October 18 Elk City with Camphor, Joe’s Pub, $10, 11:30
Takka Takka will make several appearances at the 2007 CMJ marathon
Friday, October 19 The Spinto Band, Sons and Daughters, the Maccabees, Alberta Cross, Sahara Hotnights, the 1900s, and Drug Rug, Bowery Ballroom, $17, 6:00
Friday, October 19 AIDS Wolf, Ruins, Old Time Relijun, Japanther, Sightings, the Apes, Health, Pre, Made in Mexico, Shellshag, Monotonix, Yip Yip, Dynasty Handbag, Wizardzz, the Mall, Knitting Factory, $14-$16, 7:00
Friday, October 19 Rodrigo y Gabriela, Roseland Ballroom, $30, 7:00
Friday, October 19 M.I.A., the Cool Kids, Terminal 5, $25-$30, 7:00
Friday, October 19 Bon Savants, the Shaky Hands, iLIKETRAINS, the Dead Trees, Polytechnic, the Broken West, White Demim, Mercury Lounge, $12, 7:00
Friday, October 19 ODeath, Takka Takka, the Black Hollies, Chris Mills, Union Pool, 8:00
Friday, October 19 Lozen, Bleach03, Lebanon, Pixel Panda, and Gay Blades, Lit Lounge, $6, 8:00
Friday, October 19 The Citizens and the Epochs, BAMcafé Live, free, 9:30
Friday, October 19 The Insomniacs, the Brought Low, the Above, and Nouvellas, Magnetic Field, $8, 7:00
Takka Takka brings its smart brand of indie pop to Union Pool on October 19, with O’Death, the Black Hollies, and Chris Mills. Some of the bigger names also come out on Friday night, including Rodrigo y Gabriela at the Roseland Ballroom and M.I.A. at Terminal 5. The Brooklyn Academy of Music gets into the act with their weekly BAMcafé Live series, with the Citizens and the Epochs, while Lozen, Bleach03, Lebanon, Pixel Panda, and Gay Blades shake things up at the Lit Lounge. One of our early favorite bands of the fest, the Shaky Hands, put on a great show October 16 at the Bowery Ballroom and will be playing Friday night at the Mercury Lounge.
The Ponys gallop into Roseland on October 20
Saturday, October 20 Centro-Matic, Ha Ha Tonka, Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, the Silos, Union Pool, 12 noon
Saturday, October 20 Spoon, the Ponys, Roseland Ballroom, $27, 6:45
Saturday, October 20 The Flesh, Goes Cube, the Forms, Mussels, Four Fifty One, Club Midway, $10, 7:00
Saturday, October 20 Justice and Midnight Juggernauts, Terminal 5, $25, 7:00
And on Saturday, for those still not too exhausted from the first four days of CMJ, things continue to sparkle, with the Flesh, Goes Cube, the Forms, Mussels, and Four Fifty One at Club Midway; Spoon and the Ponys at Roseland; Justice and Midnight Juggernauts at Terminal 5; and Pillow Theory and the Smyrk at BAMcafé.
Saturday, October 20 Single File, Paper Rival, the Dear Hunter, Colour Revolt, Anathallo, the New Amsterdams, the Color Fred, Saves the Day, Knitting Factory, $17-$20, 8:00
Saturday, October 20 Matt & Kim with Art Goblins, the Hood Internet, and Flosstradamus, Music Hall of Williamsburg, $5, 8:30
Saturday, October 20 Pillow Theory and the Smyrk, BAMcafé Live, free, 9:30
We’ll be starting our crazy Saturday at Union Pool to catch the Scotland Yard Gospel Choir (4:05), Ha Ha Tonka (5:00), and Centro-Matic (5:55) before heading over to the Music Hall of Williamsburg to check out Matt & Kim with Art Goblins, the Hood Internet, and Flosstradamus at 8:30.
This year’s marathon includes more than 60 panel discussions on the past, present, and future of the music business. Music industry professionals will tackle such subjects as "The Almighty Blog," "Booze, Boobs, and Bribes," “Punk’s Still Not Dead” (with Television’s Richard Lloyd), "Doing It Green," “Lit Rock” (with Jonathan Lethem and Michael Azerrad), “Disposable Content” (with Pere Ubu’s David Thomas), “Stage Diving 101” (with Kiss’s Peter Criss), and "Shock the Vote," among many others.
Tuesday, October 16 Punks Still Not Dead, with Jonathan Anastas, Richard Lloyd, and Jason Tate, moderated by Garry Velletri, 2:30
Wednesday, October 17 Stage Diving 101, with Peter Criss, Eric Davidson, Tom Jackson, and Roy Turner, moderated by Jake Szufnarowski, 2:45
Wednesday, October 17 Beat Generation, with Stefanie Douglas, Pete Rock, and DJ Spinna, moderated by DJ Kervyn Mark, 4:00
Thursday, October 18 Lit Rock, with Michael Azerrad, Will Johnson, Ronen Kaufman, Jonathan Lethem, and Kara Zuara, moderated by Mike Conklin, 10:30 am
Thursday, October 18 Disposable Content, with Anthony Batt, Adam Farrell, Bob George, and Marcy Wagman, moderated by David Thomas, 11:45 am
Thursday, October 18 Iconic Songs, with Rick Carnes, Erin Davis, Mele Mel, and Andy Rourke, moderated by Robert Christgau, Frederick Loewe Theater, Room 300, 35 West Fourth St., 12:30
Friday, October 19 The State of Hip-Hop Address, with Tim Baker, Tommy Morello, KRS-One, and Frank Satterwhite, moderated by Chuck Creekmur, 3:45
New Strummer doc is part of all-day Clash film festival
Tuesday, October 16 FRANK & CINDY (G.J. Ekternkamp), followed by a Q&A with G.J. Ekternkamp, Cynthia Brown, and Frank Garcia, moderated by Ira Glass, Pop Rally at the Museum of Modern Art, 7:00
Wednesday, October 17 JIMMY CARTER MAN FROM PLAINS (Jonathan Demme), followed by an open-forum debate on the Israel/Palestine peace conflict, IFC, 11:30 am
Wednesday, October 17 GREETINGS FROM THE SHORE (Greg Chwerchak), followed by a Q&A with Greg Chwerchak and cast members Kim Shaw and David Fumero, IFC, 3:30
Thursday, October 18 THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR - BOB DYLAN LIVE AT THE NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL 1963 - 1965 (Murray Lerner), followed by a Q&A with Murray Lerner, moderated by Bob Frye, IFC, 11:15 am
Thursday, October 18 FLESH AND BLOOD (Larry Silverman), IFC, 2:00
Thursday, October 18 PATHOLOGY (Marc Schoelermann), IFC, 3:45
Thursday, October 18 WRISTCUTTERS (Goran Dukic), followed by a Q&A with Goran Dukic and cast members Patrick Fugit, Shannyn Sossamon, and others, the Grand Screen, 5:45
Friday, October 19 HELL ON WHEELS (Bob Ray), followed by a Q&A with Bob Ray IFC, 11:00 am
Friday, October 19 DARIUS GOES WEST (Logan Smalley), TC, 12 noon
Friday, October 19 PLANET IN PERIL, followed by a Q&A with Anderson Cooper, IFC, 1:15
CMJ has also expanded its film presentations this year into a grouping worthy of being called a festival, even if they’re not all about music. In addition to several premieres and sneak previews (Goran Dukic’s WRISTCUTTERS: A LOVE STORY, David Schwimmer’s RUN, FAT BOY, RUN, and Ari Sandel’s VINCE VAUGHN’S WILD WEST COMEDY SHOW,) there will be an all-day marathon of Clash-related films, featuring the awesome hat trick of the punk classic RUDE BOY as well as the new docs JOE STRUMMER: THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN and THE CLASH: WESTWAY TO THE WORLD.
Friday, October 19 BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES (Andrew Shapter), TC, 3:00
Friday, October 19 VINCE VAUGHNS WILD WEST COMEDY SHOW (Ari Sandel), followed by a Q&A with Vince Vaughn, IFC, 4:00
Friday, October 19 MOTHERFUCKER: A MOVIE (David Casey), TC, 6:30
Saturday, October 20 JOE STRUMMER: THE FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN (Julien Temple, 2007), TC, 11:00, 5:45
Most of the screenings will be followed by Q&As with the filmmakers and/or cast members. Things get political as well, with Anderson Cooper on hand to moderate a discussion following the October 19 screening of PLANET IN PERIL, and a debate on the Palestine-Israel conflict will follow the October 17 screening of Jonathan Demme’s JIMMY CARTER: MAN FROM PLAINS. A $50 pass gets you into all the screenings.
Keep watching this space for updates, recommendations, previews, and reviews.
Kobal Collection
Wong Kar Wais HAPPY TOGETHER kicks off HK fest
Walter Reade Theater
65th St. between Broadway & Amsterdam Ave.
October 17-25
Tickets: $11
Ten years ago, the British returned the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region back into the hands of the Chinese, and the Film Society of Lincoln Center is paying tribute to that transfer of sovereignty by screening films by some of Hong Kongs finest directors, including Johnnie To, Wong Kar Wai, Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam, and the team of Andrew Lau and Alan Mak. The works, all made since 1997, display a sort of creative mini-revolution, as the films that are now coming out of the region rank with the best from around the world. And the themes of change and transition show up in a number of these films, a microcosm of recent events in Hong Kong.
Wednesday, October 17 HAPPY TOGETHER (CHUN GWONG CHA SIT) (Wong Kar Wai, 1997), 2:00 & 9:15
Wednesday, October 17 THE MISSION (CHEUNG FO) (Johnnie To, 1999), 4:00
Wednesday, October 17 TRIANGLE (TIE SAAM GOK) (Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam & Johnnie To, 2007), 6:30
Thursday, October 18 CONFESSION OF PAIN (SEUNG SING) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2006), 9:00
Thursday, October 18 GOING HOME (SAN GENG) (Directors Cut) (Peter Chan, 2002), 1:30
Friday, October 19 2046 (Wong Kar Wai, 2004), 1:30
Kobal Collection
Wong Kar Wai gets futuristic in 2046
Master Hong Kong cinematographer Christopher Doyle (along with Kwan Pun Leung and Lai Yiu Fai) bathes Wong Kar Wais futuristic follow-up to 2000s fab IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE in lush, gorgeous colors, but it turns out to be little more than ornate window dressing for the mostly empty story. Tony Leung again stars as Chow Mo-wan, a womanizing writer with a Clark Gable mustache who is the only person who has traveled to 2046 and come back, allowing Wong to meld past, present, and future in annoyingly confusing ways. It also doesnt help that Chow is not exactly a likable protagonist, coldly mixing with such beautiful, mysterious women as Gong Li, Ziyi Zhang, Carina Lau, and Faye Wong as well as his passionate love from the first film, Maggie Cheung Man Yuk, returning as Su Li Zhen. As in IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE, Shigeru Umebayashis score is wonderfully intimate (and Nat King Cole is back too), but its just not enough to save things.
Friday, October 19 INFERNAL AFFAIRS (MOU GAAN DOU) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2002), 4:00 & 8:00
Andy Lau hides some deadly secrets in INFERNAL AFFAIRS
Directors Andrew Lau and Alan Mak have crafted a marvelous gangster trilogy that is nothing short of the Hong Kong version of THE GODFATHER. In this first film, Yan (Tony Leung Chiu Wai) and Ming (Andy Lau) are both cops with deadly secrets, one a mole in the police department, the other deep undercover in a powerful gang. We learn a little bit about their past, but most of the film takes place in the present, as both the good guys and the bad guys try to find out whos on which side. Eric Tsang is awesome as Sam, Wo Fat with a different sense of humor. Much of the film is played out marvelously on cell phones, which is actually more exciting than it sounds. The ending is a gem. The only drawback is that the subtitles move past in a flash and are very small, problems that are corrected in the two sequels. The film was a huge hit, earning numerous Golden Horse and Hong Kong Film Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor (Tony Leung); Martin Scorsese scored a huge hit with his outstanding remake, THE DEPARTED, which starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro.
Friday, October 19 TRIANGLE (TIE SAAM GOK) (Tsui Hark, Ringo Lam & Johnnie To, 2007), 6:00
Friday, October 19 GOING HOME (SAN GENG) (Directors Cut) (Peter Chan, 2002), 10:00
Saturday, October 20 THE MISSION (CHEUNG FO) (Johnnie To, 1999), 2:00
Saturday, October 20 MING MING (Susie Au, 2006), 4:00
Saturday, October 20 CONFESSION OF PAIN (SEUNG SING) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2006), 6:15
Saturday, October 20 ONE NIGHT IN MONGKOK (WONG GOK HAK YAU) (Derek Yee, 2004), 8:30
Sunday, October 21 ELECTION (HAK SE WUI) (Johnnie To, 2005), 2:00
The uncles have some tough choices to make in ELECTION
Johnnie Tos ELECTION is the thinking mans gangster picture, a psychological thriller that does not depend on blood and violence to get its message across. Cool-headed Lok (Simon Yam) and wild-eyed Big D (Tony Leung Ka Fai) both want to be elected the next chairman of the Wo Sing Society, but when the uncles choose Lok, Big D refuses to accept their decision. Instead, he goes after the Dragons Head Baton, the antique symbol of leadership that would transfer power to him. As members of the society (including Lam Suet as the endearing Big Head, Louis Koo as the slick Jimmy, and Nick Cheung as tough-guy Jet) choose which side they want to be on, resulting in chaos, treachery, and betrayal, the cops are hovering around, seeking to put an end to all triad activities. ELECTION features more dialogue and less violence than most films of its kind, but that doesnt make it any less effective. ELECTION was a big winner at the twenty-fifth Hong Kong Film Awards.
Sunday, October 21 TRIAD ELECTION (HAK SE WUI I WO WAI KWAI) (Johnnie To, 2006), 4:15
Yet more betrayals are uncovered in TRIAD ELECTION
Also known as ELECTION 2, TRIAD ELECTION, which screened at the 2006 New York Film Festival, is one of those rare sequels that actually surpasses the original. (Spoiler alert: If you havent seen ELECTION yet, do not read on.) His two-year term about to end as chairman, Lok (Simon Yam) tries to convince the uncles to break tradition and reelect him, but hes not the only one who wants to take over. Things really heat up when Jimmy (Louis Koo), after being thwarted in his initial attempts to become a legitimate businessman, is forced to throw his hat into the ring, setting off a bloody battle for the Dragons Head Baton. Once again theres a lot of chaos, treachery, and betrayal, but the second film is far more bloody than the first, especially a gory torture scene that ends in dismemberment and fresh dog food. Jet (Nick Cheung), Suet Lam (Big Head), Kun (Lam Ka Tung), and Teng Wai (Wong Tin Lam) are all back in this gangster epic that also works as a parable for the British return of Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997. The film is also available now on DVD from Tartan, with a making-of featurette and interviews with Lam Ka Tung and Suet Lam.
Sunday, October 21 INITIAL D (TAU MAN JI D) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2005), 8:50
The directing duo of Andrew Lau and Alan Mak follow up their awesome INFERNAL AFFAIRS trilogy with this clichéd street-racing film based on the popular manga / anime / video game. Jay Chou stars as Takumi, a shy, quiet high school senior who just happens to be an amazing driver, trained by his often drunk (and former champion street driver) father (Anthony Wong) to speed-deliver tofu up and down treacherous Mt. Akina. As Takumis legend grows, professionals Ryousuke (Edison Chen), Kyouichi (Jordan Chan), and Takeshi (Shawn Yue) want to take him and his seemingly ridiculous white Toyota AE86 on. All the while, Takumi keeps pumping gas at Yuuichis (Kenny Bee) station, where he works with his goofy best friend, Yuuichis son Itsuki (Chapman To), who longs to be rich and popular but is too much of a spoiled doofus; Takeshi also dreams about Natsuki (Anne Suzuki), his girlfriend, who is harboring a potentially devastating secret. Chou makes a great protagonist; you never know what hes going to do next. Unfortunately, you pretty much know just about everything else that is going to happen. Add a star if plot and character development takes a backseat to fast cars and hot babes in your cinematic worldview.
Tuesday, October 23 ONE NIGHT IN MONGKOK (WONG GOK HAK YAU) (Derek Yee, 2004), 1:00
Tuesday, October 23 CONFESSION OF PAIN (SEUNG SING) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2006), 3:15
Wednesday, October 24 ELECTION (HAK SE WUI) (Johnnie To, 2005), 1:00
Wednesday, October 24 TRIAD ELECTION (HAK SE WUI I WO WAI KWAI) (Johnnie To, 2006), 3:00
Wednesday, October 24 GOING HOME (SAN GENG) (Directors Cut) (Peter Chan, 2002), 5:00
Wednesday, October 24 THE POSTMODERN LIFE OF MY AUNT (YI MA DE HOU XIAN DAI SHENG HUO) (Ann Hui, 2006), 6:30
Wednesday, October 24 MING MING (Susie Au, 2006), 8:45
Thursday, October 25 INITIAL D (TAU MAN JI D) (Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2005), 1:15 & 6:00
Tuesday, October 25 THE POSTMODERN LIFE OF MY AUNT (YI MA DE HOU XIAN DAI SHENG HUO) (Ann Hui, 2006), 3:30 & 8:15
© Exit Art
Exit Art presents "Electric Lab" s part of Fashion District fest
Various venues
Admission: free (some theatrical productions and comedy shows charge admission)
Monday, October 15
Sunday, October 21 Third annual event featuring art shows, workshops, and open studios at 520 Eighth Avenue Lobby Gallery, New Art Center, Lower East Side Printshop, Exit Art, Hosfelt Gallery, Dieu Donné, EFA Gallery, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Mitchell Schorr Studios, Tribeca Potters, and other locations in addition to live performances at New Dance Group Arts Center, Actors Movement Conservatory, chashama, the Zipper Factory Theater & Tavern (starring Margaret Cho), Abingdon Theatre Company, and more
Rick Recht will play at the Central Synagogue
on October 22
Multiple locations
October 20-27
Saturday, October 20 Fiddlin w/ the Roof, featuring live performances by different groups of the songs from FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd St. Y, $25-$75, 8:00
Sunday, October 21 Bagels and Bongos, featuring Roberto Rodriguez with special guests Aaron Halva-Tres,Frank London, Larry Harlow, and Irving Fields, Highline Ballroom, $30, 11:00 am
Sunday, October 21 Julie Silver in her first family-friendly concert, the Jewish Museum, $8-$15, 2:00
Sunday, October 21 Teapacks present "Push the Button," with special guests Izabo and DJ Handler, Highline Ballroom, $30, 8:00
Monday, October 22 Schmooze 07: Day 1, featuring a keynote address from Theodore Bikel and live performances by Kobi Oz & Teapacks, Good for the Jews, and Chana Rothman, UJA-Federation of New York, $150, 9:00 am
Monday, October 22 Rick Recht, Central Synagogue, $15, 7:30
Monday, October 22 Travelin Music, about the four-thousand-year history of the Jewish people, featuring book by Leonora Thuna, music by Charles Fox, and lyrics by Norman Gimbal, JCC of Manhattan, $10-$15, 8:00
Tuesday, October 23 Schmooze 07: Day 2, featuring a conversation with Neil Sedaka and live performances by Rick Recht, Sean Altman, and the Afro-Semitic Experience, UJA-Federation of New York, $150, 9:00 am
Tuesday, October 23 The Pervasiveness of Jewish Identity in Literature, with Rudy Delson, Yael Goldstein, Cynthia Kaplan, and others, Strand Bookstore, free, 07:00
Tuesday, October 23 Ghetto Cabaret Diaries, featuring "Diary of a Partisan" and Basay Schechter (Pharaohs Daughter) performing songs set to poems from the diary of Abraham Joshua Heschel, the Concert Hall at New York Society for Ethical Culture, $25-$48, 8:00
Chana Rothman will celebrate new CD release at OY!HOO fest
Wednesday, October 24 WE CAN RISE: Chana Rothman CD Release Party and Zeeks New Jewish Music Launch Event, Mercury Lounge, $10, 6:30
Wednesday, October 24 Mimaamakim, with Rashanim, Frantic Turtle, Steve Dalachinsky, Adam Schechter, Matthue Roth, Yerra Sugarman, and others, Bowery Poetry Club, $7, 7:30
Wednesday, October 24 Bay Area Jews, with Hyim, Dan Wolf, and JP Cutler, JCC of Manhattan, $20, 8:00
Wednesday, October 24 Second Annual Tribute to Lenny Bruce, with Bonnie McFarlane, Eugene Mirman, Paul Mecurio, and others, Gotham Comedy Club, $25, 8:00
Thursday, October 25
Thursday, October 25 Shemspeed Blowout Release Party, the Knitting Factory, $15, 7:00
Thursday, October 25 Second Annual All-Star Yiddish Sing-along, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, $18-$20, 8:00
Friday, October 26 Hebrew School Dropouts, Mo Pitkins, 11:00 pm
Saturday, October 27 Atonement A Theatrical Oratorio, composed by Elizabeth Swados, JCC of Manhattan, free tickets must be reserved in advance at 646-505-5708, 8:00
© Franceso Vezzoli
Francesco Vezzoli will present his commission at the Guggenheim
Multiple venues
October 27 November 20
The Second Annual Visual Art Performance Biennial features special live performances in galleries, museums, and restaurants all over the city. Below are some of the opening nights for several free events, except for Serkan Ozkayas piece, for which you have to buy lunch in order to see the artwork.
Saturday, October 27 John Bock, STAPELUNG (STACK), multimedia sculpture installation, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, free with museum admission, 12 noon 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 27 Francesco Vezzoli, restaging of COSIE (SE VI PARE) or RIGHT YOU ARE (IF YOU THINK YOU ARE) by Luigi Pirandello, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 10:00 pm
Sunday, October 28 Ronnie Bass, PERFORMA TV, continuous Internet video stream, Columbia University School of Arts, 2960 Broadway, 11:00 pm
Monday, October 29 Serkan Ozkaya, BRING ME THE HEAD OF , Freemans, price of lunch (art is on plate), 11:00 am 4:00 pm
Tuesday, October 30 Tony Conrad, untitled live performance, Greene Naftali Gallery, 508 West 26th St., 7:00
Ethan Hawke and Philip Seymour Hoffman have some family problems in Lumet flick
Opens Friday, October 26
Angelika Film Center
18 West Houston St. at Mercer St.
Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
1886 Broadway between 62nd & 63rd Sts.
Sidney Lumet (DOG DAY AFTERNOON, NETWORK) spins an intriguing web of mystery and severe family dysfunction in BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOURE DEAD. Andy (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Hank (Ethan Hawke) are very different brothers who are both in desperate financial straits. Andy, a real estate exec, has a serious drug problem and a fading marriage to his sexy but bored young wife (Marisa Tomei), while neer-do-well Hank cant afford the monthly child-support payments to his ex-wife (Aleksa Palladino) and daughter (Amy Ryan). Andy convinces Hank to knock off their parents (Albert Finney and Rosemary Harris) jewelry store, but when things go horribly wrong, everyone involved is forced to face some very difficult situations, leading to a harrowing climax. Seymour and Hawke are both excellent, the former cool, calm, and collected, the latter scattershot and impulsive. Tomei gives one of her finest performances as the woman sleeping with both brothers. Lumet tells the story through a series of flashbacks from various characters point of view, with fascinating overlaps although a bit overused that offer different perspectives on critical scenes. Adapted from a script by playwright Kelly Masterson whom Lumet has never met or even spoken with BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOURE DEAD (the title comes from an Irish toast that begins, "May you be in heaven half and hour
") is a thrilling modern noir that is from one of the masters of melodrama.
Tom and Davey find they have something in common in Eastwood melodrama
Opens Friday, October 26
Alison Eastwood, the daughter of Clint Eastwood and Maggie Johnson, has appeared in nearly two dozen films, but she makes her directorial debut with RAILS & TIES, a weepy, manipulative melodrama reminiscent of her fathers vastly overrated MILLION DOLLAR BABY. Kevin Bacon stars as Tom Stark, a railroad engineer and train aficionado who is avoiding facing the reality that his wife, Megan (Marcia Gay Harden), is dying from cancer and regretting that they never had children. But their life takes a radical turn when the much-troubled Laura Danner (Bonnie Root) parks her car on the tracks with her beloved son, Davey (Miles Heizer), inside waiting to be steamrolled by the oncoming locomotive. An angry Davey later shows up at the Starks door, and well, you can guess the rest. RAILS & TIES is the kind of Hallmark Hall of Shame drama that belongs on cable, not in movie theaters across the country. Youll still get a little teary if you stay to the end, and youll hate yourself for it, but youll also wish you had done something better with the last two hours.
Three very different brothers go on a spiritual quest in DARJEELING
In theaters now
Wes Anderson takes viewers on a wild ride through India aboard THE DARJEELING LIMITED in this black comedy that opens the New York Film Festival. Francis (Owen Wilson), Peter (Adrien Brody), and Jack (cowriter Jason Schwartzman) are brothers who have not seen each other since their father’s funeral a year before, after which their mother disappeared. Having recently survived a terrible accident, Francis looking ridiculous with his face and head wrapped in bandages convinces them to go on a spiritual quest together to reestablish their relationship and help them better understand life. Peter and Jack very hesitantly decide to go along on what turns out to be a series of madcap adventures involving bathroom sex, bloody noses, jealousy, praying, cigarettes galore, running after trains, and savory snacks. Anderson (THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS, RUSHMORE) injects his unique brand of humor on the action, ranging from the offbeat to the sensitive to the absurd as the brothers bond and battle in a search for themselves and what’s left of their family, set to a score adapted from the films of Satyajit Ray and Merchant-Ivory. The film features cameos by Bill Murray, Natalie Portman, Barbet Schroeder, and Anjelica Huston; check the Web site to watch the very entertaining related short “Hotel Chevalier.”
Jennifer Garner heads into dangerous Saudi territory in THE KINGDOM
In theaters now
After a horrific terrorist attack on an oil company family event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, kills and wounds hundreds of American men, women, and children, the FBI wants to go after the cell behind the vicious plot, but the attorney general (Danny Huston) denies their request because of the U.S. government’s cozy relationship with the Saudis. But Special Agent Ronald Fleury (Jamie Foxx) figures out a way to buy a few days in Saudi Arabia with three of his fellow agents bomb expert Grant Sykes (Chris Cooper), forensics examiner Janet Mayes (Jennifer Garner), and intelligence analyst and comic relief Adam Leavitt (Jason Bateman). Initially hamstrung by protocol, the four agents, watched closely by Col. Al Ghazi (Ashraf Barhom), start uncovering evidence that could potentially lead them to Abu Hamza (Hezi Saddik), one of the most feared terrorists in the world, while taking them into the most dangerous parts of Saudi Arabia. Written by Matthew Michael Carnahan (SOLDIER FIELD) and directed by Peter Berg who makes a big jump from such family fare as FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and THE RUNDOWN THE KINGDOM, inspired by an actual attack by Saudi Hezbollah in Khobar in 1996, is a tense, gripping procedural that makes some cogent points about the state of the world post-9/11.
Michael Caine and Jude Law play a murderous game in smooth remake
Landmark Sunshine Cinema
143 East Houston St. between First & Second Aves.
Lincoln Plaza Cinemas
1886 Broadway between 62nd & 63rd Sts.
In 1972, Anthony Shaffer adapted his Tony-winning play, SLEUTH, into a film, leading to Oscar nominations for director Joseph L. Mankiewicz and its two stars, Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. Olivier played mystery writer Andrew Wyke, while Caine played Milo Tindle, a young man having an affair with Wykes wife. Thirty-five years later, Harold Pinter has rewritten the script for director Kenneth Branagh in a thrilling update of SLEUTH that teeters on the edge of ridiculousness but always rights itself just in time. Jude Law (also one of the films producers) is Tindle, a hot hairdresser locked in a battle of wits against the older, more experienced Wyke, a role now taken on by Caine in a marvelous triumph of casting. Wyke has invited Tindle to his country home, which is festooned with all sorts of electronic gadgets and cool colors courtesy of production designer Tim Harvey. The back-and-forth cat-and-mouse game between the two are a joy to behold as the audience never quite knows who is telling the truth, especially after a few gunshots enter the fray. Law stands up well to Caine, who maliciously chews up all the scenery he can muster. Pinters script goes occasionally over the top but is mostly razor-sharp, and the gadgets, though sometimes too gimmicky, add plenty of fun to the complex battle of wits.
Angelika Film Center
18 West Houston St. at Mercer St.
Julie Delpys delightful debut, 2 DAYS IN PARIS, is a true DIY indie, with Delpy serving as writer, director, editor, star, composer, soundtrack performer, and one of the producers. Delpy plays Marion, a flitty Frenchwoman who decides to bring her boyfriend of two years, Jack (a heavily tattooed Adam Goldberg), to spend two days with in her hometown in Paris as a stopover on their way from Venice to their apartment in New York City. But spending forty-eight hours with Marions family (Delpys real-life parents, Albert Delpy and Marie Pillet, and sister, Alexia Landeau) and bumping into a seemingly endless stream of Marions former boyfriends while not understanding a word anyone is saying might be a bit much for Jack, an interior designer whose own insides are rife with stomach problems and migraines. 2 DAYS IN PARIS is Delpys ANNIE HALL (Woody Allen, 1977), an engaging film filled with slapstick humor, inventive characters, and underlying truths about love and life.
Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are on opposite sides of the law in remake
Regal Union Square Stadium
13th & Broadway
James Mangolds remake of Delmer Davess 1957 Western 3:10 TO YUMA starts out promising but ultimately delves into the wholly ludicrous. Christian Bale stars as Ben Evans, a hobbled Civil War vet who is about to lose his ranch and the respect of his wife (Gretchen Mol) and kids (Logan Lerman and Benjamin Petry). Desperate for money, he signs on to help transport vicious killer Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) on a dangerous three-day journey from Bisbee to Contention, where Wade will be sent straight to prison on the 3:10 train to Yuma. But even handcuffed, Wade is a dangerous criminal and a more-than-worthy adversary; meanwhile, his villainous crew, led by the brutally evil Charlie Prince (Ben Foster), has set out to rescue him, killing all who get in their way. Based on an Elmore Leonard story, the film gets muddled quickly, with far too much of the action beyond belief. Why dont they just tie up Wades arms and legs, or at least cuff him behind his back? How many hundreds of bullets does it take to miss easy targets? By choosing to focus more on the transporting of Wade which was not the center of the 1957 original, which starred Glenn Ford as Wade, Van Heflin as Evans, and Richard Jaeckel as Charlie Prince Mangold (HEAVY, WALK THE LINE) has turned the film into an annoying chase flick lacking in real drama. But its always fun seeing Peter Fonda, here playing grizzled Pinkerton detective Byron McElroy.
Available on DVD on October 16
Up in the wilderness of Mount Chonan, far away from civilization, young orphan Haejin (Huang Hae-Jin) and Kibong (Won-Sop Sin), a refugee from "the world," learn about the self and the other from aging master Hyegok (Pan-Yong Yi) as they contemplate the Buddhist philosophy of life and death. First-time Korean filmmaker Bae Yong-kyun wrote, directed, photographed, and edited this meditative, moving story over several years during the turbulent mid-to-late 1980s, when student unrest and unhappy workers helped end the Chun Doo Hwan regime. Thus, the freedom the characters are striving for is not only the Zen freedom from attachment and earthly ties but the political freedom from an oppressive leadership. Bae, who is also a painter, imbues the film with beautiful photography and gorgeously framed shots. It might be slow-paced, but itll draw you in if youre willing to free your mind of material concerns. The film won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival and gained international notoriety when Sight and Sound magazine named it in 1992 one of the ten best films ever made; it was also the first Korean film to be released theatrically in the United States. This new master, called the Directors Deluxe Edition, includes new footage recut and remastered by the director.
Don’t let the awful reviews for the David Slade movie version of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT scare you away from reading the original graphic novel it was based on. This trilogy of terror from Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith is a chilling tale of vampires who arrive in Barrow, Alaska, on the eve of thirty days without sunlight, a veritable 24/7 feast for them. But Barrow is not about to go down without a fight, led by Sheriff Eben Olemaun and his cop wife, Stella. Niles’s story is gruesome, heartbreaking, and continually clever, filled with unexpected surprises and twists and turns. Australian illustrator Templesmith’s artwork is gorgeous, ranging from dark and mysterious to bloody and violent; his full-page depictions of heads being blown apart and explosions lighting up the night are particularly awesome. Even the lettering of the dialogue is scary, especially the style used for the vamps. Originally a much-hailed comic-book series, 30 DAYS is also available in three beautiful trade paperbacks. As bonuses, DARK DAYS features an introduction from Clive Barker, while DARK DAYS and RETURN TO BARROW include the original covers of the comic books. RETURN TO BARROW has also been nominated for several Eisner Comic Industry Awards, including Best Limited Series, Best Writer (Niles), and Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (Templesmith).
Barnes & Noble Lincoln Triangle
1972 Broadway at West 66th St.
Saturday, October 27, 3:00
Admission: free
Steve Martins first childrens picture book is a delightfully twisted examination of all twenty-six letters of the alphabet, including Z. Each letter gets its own alliterative rhyming couplet on the right-hand page, with playful illustrations by New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast on the left. For E, Martin writes, "Excellent Edward, exceedingly picky, / Ate eggs with an eel whose earwax was icky," while Chast draws a man sitting at a table with an eel, surrounded by all sorts of other E-paraphernalia (an elephant, an Egypt poster, a picture of Elvis, Enter and Exit signs, etc.). The book works best when Chast fills her page with lots of extra letter-related items, inviting parents and their children to return time and again to find something new. Sure, some of the writing is way over the heads of little kids (Ambidextrous? Vainglorious? Gravlax?), but Martins style is so funny that it overcomes that eccentricity, especially in such lines as "Pedro the puppy piled poop on his paws." Both Martin and Chast will be at the Lincoln Triangle Barnes & Noble on October 27 for a 3:00 reading and book signing, the only time they will be together; all other nationwide appearances will feature just Chast.
Ritz Carlton New York, Battery Park
Two West St.
2 West restaurant
Saturday, November 3, 12 noon
Cost: $85 per person
We love the smell of bacon in the morning; it smells like . . . well, like nothing else in the world. (Actually, we love the smell of bacon at any time of day or night.) But there are few things better than waking up on a weekend morning and being greeted by the aroma of sizzling bacon, as well as that sweet crackling sound. The Ritz Carlton in Battery Park, which presents the fabulous Chocolate Bar at Rise every February, is having another decadent special event, this time featuring a three-course brunch of dishes taken from the book SEDUCED BY BACON: RECIPES & LORE ABOUT AMERICA’S FAVORITE INDULGENCE (Lyons Press, 2006) by Joanna Pruess and Bob Lape. The two authors will be on hand to talk about bacon, and all diners will get an autographed copy of the book. The meal will be prepared by chef Nathan Volz and executive chef Jacques Sorci of the hotel’s 2 West restaurant. And yes, the book does include recipes for desserts that include bacon. Reservations are required, and with limited seating, spaces are sure to fill up in a hurry.
Charlie Huston’s first stand-alone novel, THE SHOTGUN RULE, following the brilliant Joe Pitt Casebooks (ALREADY DEAD, NO DOMINION) and Henry Thompson Trilogy (CAUGHT STEALING, SIX BAD THINGS, A DANGEROUS MAN), starts out very slowly, reading like a basic young adult novel. Weird genius Andy’s crappy bike has been stolen by one of the Arroyo brothers, and Hector, Paul, and Andy’s brother, George, are determined to get it back. But when the four of them stumble upon a crystal meth lab in Timo, Fernando, and Ramon’s garage, all hell breaks loose. The second half of the book is an absolute marvel, a gripping tale of vengeance, torture, small-town America, and, most of all, family. Huston’s examination of the relationship between Paul and his father, who suffered the loss of his wife in a car accident, and George and Andy and their father, whose secret past suddenly comes out, is breathtaking. THE SHOTGUN RULE is no standard coming-of-age tale; Huston makes sure readers never know quite what is coming next, and there are no easy answers and warm, fuzzy endings. But be warned: The violence level is extremely high and brutal, definitely not for the squeamish. (Note to grammarians: There is not a single hyphen in the entire book, even when they are very much needed, save for end-of-line word breaks. Hey Charlie, what’s the story?)
New York City Center
130 West 56th St. between Sixth & Seventh Aves.
October 17-21
Tickets: $10
Morphoses / the Wheeldon Company makes its New York debut at City Center with two programs of dances, featuring choreography by Christopher Wheeldon, William Forsythe, Liv Lorent, Michael Clarke, and Edwaard Liang, with music by Chopin, Weill, Prokofiev, Glass, Satie, Schubert, Ligeti, and others.
Morrissey returns to NYC for five-night stand at the Hammerstein
Hammerstein Ballroom
311 West 34th St. between Eighth & Ninth Aves.
October 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 6:30
Tickets: $65
Former Smiths leader Morrissey will play a five-night stint at the Hammerstein Ballroom, featuring songs from throughout his career. Recent setlists have included such great numbers as "Stop Me If You Think Youve Heard This One Before," "In the Future When Alls Well," "Girlfriend in a Coma," "Last of the Famous International Playboys," "Billy Budd," and "How Soon Is Now?" Moz has been playing about half of his most recent album, 2006s RINGLEADER OF THE TORMENTORS, as well as old Smiths classics. He was originally scheduled to play the Garden in June but he got sick, resulting in these new dates. Opening the show will be New York Citys own Kristeen Young, who can be heard on Morrisseys "Thats How People Grow Up." Live Nation has just released special $20 seats for opening night, so get them quick.
Tunng will take aim with new disc at two area shows
Union Hall
702 Union St. at Fifth Ave.
Tuesday, October 23, $12, 7:30
Mercury Lounge
217 East Houston St. at Ave. A
Wednesday, October 24, $12, 10:30
Founded by Mike Lindsay and Sam Genders, the British band Tunng plays a unique brand of acoustic folk-based tunes enhanced by little sonic surprises here and there, with bits of Brecht/Weill, Ian Anderson, and Ian Dury thrown in as well. Their third album, GOOD ARROWS (Thrill Jockey, September 2007), which features eleven tracks with one-word titles, gets better with every listen. The songs are little gems, slow, smart, eerily poetic, and rather dark. “We sing as the sky falls down / We sing as the sky collapses / And make what we can of this / It’s okay, we’re all going to end up dead and gone,” Genders declares on “Hands.” “King” and “Arms” get electronica flourishes, “String” features sweet harmonies and a mix of interesting instruments, and “Soup” makes a radical change two-thirds of the way through its folk beginnings. On “Bullets,” the bounciest song on the album, Genders sings, “You whisper prayers into the dark / Up to a god in whom you’ve never believed / You always do / You split the secret up six ways / But it won’t make it any easier to see / And now we don't remember.” Tunng be playing with Charles Atlas at Union Hall on October 23 and with Lewis & Clarke and Samidon with Stars Like Fleas at Mercury Lounge on October 24.
Bowery Ballroom
6 Delancey St. at Bowery
Saturday, October 27, $15, 8:30
Studio B
259 Banker St., Brooklyn
Sunday, October 28, $15, 8:00
The Go! Teams new disc, PROOF OF YOUTH (Sub Pop, September 2007), hits the gas right off the bat with the hot and oh-so-cute dance-party tunes "Grip Like a Vice" and "Doing It Right" and never stops grooving through eleven movin tunes. Jamie Bell, Chi Fukami Taylor, Ian Parton, Ninja, Kaori Tsuchida, and Sam Dook play feel-good retro pop that could serve as its own soundtrack of the 70s; heck, the instrumental "My World" could be background music for an episode of JAMES AT 15, while "Titanic Vandalism" would have gotten them dancing at a Coolidge house party on THE WHITE SHADOW. The British bands songs are fun, fun, fun, from the bubblegum pop of "Fake ID" to the girl-group licks of "I Never Needed It Now So Much" to the sweet, corny theme that plays over the albums closing credits, "Patricias Moving Picture." But the Go! Team also gets a little serious with the much harder "Flashlight Fight," which features raps by Chuck D that would feel at home in SUPERFLY. This follow-up to 2005s THUNDER, LIGHTING, STRIKE is about as infectious as dance-pop music can get. Brooklyns Effi Briest, named after the Theodor Fontane novel, opens the show with their own brand of experimental indie rock.
Location TBA
Tuesday, October 30
Tickets: $22
LVHRD’s Fashion Duel IV will feature a battle of fashion designers held on All Hallow's Eve. Armed with a model and a mystery material that will be revealed at the event which will be held at a location to be named the day of the competition to ticket holders only the designers will have sixty minutes to come up with a fab outfit. Previous fashion duelists have included Rebecca Turbow and Corey Park of Theory, Erin Snow and Laurel Wells using aluminum, and Kelly Funabashi and Julie Machado fighting it out at White Rabbit.
Hawaiian Tropic Zone
49th St. & Seventh Ave.
Wednesday, October 31, 9:00
Tickets: $15 (includes free drink)
One of Little Steven’s favorite bands and a mainstay on his Underground Garage radio show, the Chesterfield Kings will be playing a special Halloween show at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone, featuring songs off their brand-new release, PSYCHEDELIC SUNRISE (Wicked Cool Records, September 2007). As they approach their thirtieth anniversary, the band is making some of the best music of their career, led by cofounders Greg Prevost and Andy Babiuk. The bill will also include special guests as well as garage girls a go-go.
Hiro Ballroom / Maritime Hotel
363 West 16th St. between Eighth & Ninth Aves.
Saturday, November 3, 7:00
Tickets: $20
Eleanor and Matthew Friedberger like to do things their own way. The Brooklyn-based brother-and-sister duo are the leaders of the Fiery Furnaces, who have just released their sixth album, WIDOW CITY (Thrill Jockey, October 2007), consisting of sixteen songs that can be divided into sweet mini-suites. The record opens with the tantalizing, carnivalesque seven-minute epic "The Philadelphia Grand Jury," which goes all over the musical map as Eleanor declares, "More crooked sons of bitches you cant ever have come across / Make sure that they notarized my will / Make sure Mom dont look at the news." The Brecht-Weill dance of death is a fabulous kick-off to the disc, which mixes in offbeat electronic sounds (supplied by Matthew) over, under, and all around Eleanors distinctive voice and the albums mysterious, poetic lyrics. The storytelling in the trio of "Duplexes of the Dead," "Automatic Husband," and "Ex-Guru" is downright theatrical; the last of the trilogy features an infectious chorus, with Eleanor singing, "She means nothing to me now / I tell myself that every day" before Matt adds a Middle Eastern break that is followed by "Clear Signal from Cairo" and "My Egyptian Grammar." "Uncle Charlie" gets going with a drum solo and even makes a stop in Centereach. This summer, the Furnaces played an amazing free show in Socrates Sculpture Park; it was supposed to preview WIDOW CITY, but instead Matt and Eleanor experimented by stringing together different versions of older songs in a kind of indie-rock opera all its own. Theyre more likely to play tracks from the new disc, along with Robert DAmico on drums and Jason Loewenstein on guitar, at this gig at the Hiro Ballroom, their final stateside show before heading over to Europe. Pit Er Pat opens up.
United Palace Theater
4140 Broadway at 175th St.
December 13, 15, 16, 18, 8:00
Tickets: $61-$186
Back in late 1976, Neil Young was scheduled to release CHROME DREAMS, an album that ended up never coming out. It supposedly featured early versions of songs that would appear on future Young records, including "Pocahontas," "Like a Hurricane," "Homegrown," "Sedan Delivery," and "Too Far Gone." Young revives the mystery surrounding CHROME DREAMS with the brand-new CHROME DREAMS II, a sort-of sequel to the album that never was. While the vast majority of Youngs albums focus on one genre, CHROME DREAMS II encompasses rock, pop, soul, blues, folk, and country, coming together in exciting and intriguing ways. Supported by Rick Rosas on bass and Crazy Horses Ben Keith on guitars, dobro, and keyboards and Ralph Molina on drums and percussion, Young revisits his vintage 1970s sound without feeling dated. The disc opens with the poetic "Beautiful Bluebird," a musical cousin to HARVESTs "Out on the Weekend." The epic "Ordinary People," which fights for the rights of the working class during its eighteen minutes, comes complete with a horn section, sounding like it could be a precursor (or follow-up?) to GREENDALE.
© 1992, 1993, 1999 sidestreet publishing company
Data sheet for what might have been the original CHROME DREAMS record
The nearly fifteen-minute epic "No Hidden Path" soars with long killer guitars solos reminiscent of LIVE RUST-era Crazy Horse. In "Spirit Road," which features screaming guitars and a heavy bass line, Young sings, "Theres a long highway in your mind / The spirit road that you must find / To get you home to peace again / Where you belong, my love lost friend . . . / Get your hat / Get your shoes / Get out here while you still can choose." Going home is one of the themes of the record, popping up in several songs. Although Young is referring to a battle with the bottle in "Dirty Old Man" when he sings, "Im gonna get killed / For doin this again / But I just cant help it / Its under my skin," he could just as well be referring to his music. As he has done on many of his records, Young concludes things with a song about peace, "The Way," with background vocals courtesy of the Young Peoples Chorus of New York City. A limited special edition of CHROME DREAMS II comes with a bonus DVD. Young will be playing five nights at the United Palace Theater in December, with wife Pegi opening up.
Continuing its tenth anniversary, Appleseed Recordings, founded by social activist Jim Musselman, has released SOWING THE SEEDS, a wonderful collection of folk tunes that "pays tribute to the politically active artists here and to non-musical artists as well who are unafraid to fight the good fight for social justice and positive change," according to Musselman. Divided into two discs "And Justice for All" and "Love, Hope, and Appleseed," the album features new and old songs from Jackson Browne and Joan Baez, Tom Paxton, Bruce Cockburn, Judy Collins, Roger McGuinn, Tommy Sands, Tim Robbins, David Bromberg, and Pete Seeger, who appears on ten of the thirty-seven tracks. The highlight of the first disc is a duet between Seeger and Bruce Springsteen on the latters "Ghost of Tom Joad," along with Andersen and Wyclef Jean teaming up on "White Boots Marching in a Yellow Land," Seeger joining with Billy Bragg, Ani DiFranco, Steve Earle, and Anne Hills on "Bring Them Home," and Donovan updating his classic "Universal Soldier." Standouts on the second disc include Al Stewarts "Gina in the Kings Road," Ramblin Jack Elliotts version of Bob Dylans "Dont Think Twice, Its All Right," and Eric Andersen and Lou Reed playing "You Cant Relive the Past." Even the oldest of the songs still sound frighteningly relevant in todays world. The set comes with a fully annotated booklet featuring quotes from many of the participants as well as liner notes by Musselman.
All contents copyright 2007 by Mark Rifkin and twi-ny. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission. Please note that events, dates, and prices are subject to change.
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The Players Theatre and Loft
115 MacDougal St. between West Third St. & Minetta Lane
Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:00, Sundays at 3:00
Tickets: $17
Through Sunday, October 28 Eighteen scary plays, all running under a half hour, with such titles as WHY VAMPIRE MUSICALS SUCK, THE PEDICURE, THE HORROR, THE DEATH CARD, and THE CLIFF THING, with a special performance on Halloween night of the most popular works
A Unique Festival of Sound, Music and Ecology
Judson Church unless otherwise noted
55 Washington Square South
October 12-20
Suggested donation: $10 unless otherwise noted
Tuesday October 16 ModernWorks: Madeleine Shapiro, cello & electronics, playing Matthew Burtners Fragments from Cold, Guilermo Galindos Tx3 (Tres, Tristes, Tigres), Paul Rudys Degrees of Separation: Grandchild of Tree, Judith Shatins For the Birds, Morton Subotnicks Axolotl, and Peter Zummos Invocation, 8:30
Wednesday, October 17 Mark Moffett: Exploding Ants and Other Stories, sonic/visual presentation, 8:30
Thursday, October 18 Explorers in the Wild: Julia Calfee and David Monacchi, sonic/visual presentation introduced by Mark Moffett, 8:30
Friday, October 19 An evening with Walter Branchi, featuring three pieces from Intero, with Walter Branchi on flute and electronics and David Monacchi on bansuri flute, New York Friends Meeting House, 15 Rutherford Pl. (15th St. between Second & Third Avs.), $10, 7:00
Friday, October 19
Saturday, October 20 Bruce Odland and Sam Auinger: Requiem for Fossil Fuels, for eight channels of sound, electronics, and voices, with Martha Kluver, Hai-Ting Chinn, Joshua South, and John Young, voices, 8:30
BAM Rose Cinemas
30 Lafayette Ave. between Ashland Pl. & St. Felix St.
October 15 November 19
Tickets: $11
Tuesday, October 16 THIS SPORTING LIFE (Lindsay Anderson, 1963), 6:00, 9:00
Wednesday, October 17 LA COLLECTIONNEUSE (Eric Rohmer, 1967), 4:30, 6:50, 9:15
Monday, October 22 Hitman Double Bill: THE HITMAN (Don Siegel, 1958), and MURDER BY CONTRACT (Irving Lerner, 1958), 7:00
Monday, October 29 RUGGLES OF RED GAP (Leo McCarey, 1935), 4:30, 6:50, 9:15
The Two Boots Pioneer Theater
155 East Third St. at Ave. A
Through October 31
Tickets: $9 unless otherwise noted
Wednesday, October 17
Wednesday, October 24 TRIGGER MAN (Ti West, 2006)
Friday, October 19
Sunday, October 21 BEACH PARTY AT THE THRESHHOLD OF HELL (Jonny Gillette & Kevin Wheatley, 2006)
Sunday, October 21 ¡TINTORERA! (René Cardona, Jr., 1977), 7:00
Monday, October 22 HEADLESS HORSEMAN (Anthony C. Ferrante, 2007), 6:30
Wednesday, October 24
Wednesday, October 31 THE LIVING AND THE DEAD (Simon Rumley, 2006)
Friday, October 26 PUNK ROCK HOLOCAUST 2 (Doug Salmann, 2007), 9:00, and STUPID TEENAGERS MUST DIE (Jeff Smith), 11:00
Saturday, October 27 All-night werewolf movie marathon, including THE HOWLING (Joe Dante), THE COMPANY OF WOLVES (Neil Jordan), WEREWOLF VS. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN (aka VAMPIROS LESBOS), TEEN WOLF (), and WOLF (), $35, 9:00 pm
Monday, October 29 DAY WATCH (Timur Bekmambetov) and NIGHT WATCH (Timur Bekmambetov), 7:00
Tuesday, October 30 Fear Revere: An Evening of Frightening Creativity, featuring fourteen video shorts curated by Mica Scalin, 7:00
Wednesday, October 31 The Assassination of Larry Fessenden (featuring Larry Fessended presenting some of his finest death scenes), THE GREAT PIONEER THEATER MASSACRE (Jay Stern, 2007), and RESISTANZ (Maxi Dejoie, 2006), 9:00
Maps are available at 508 West 26th St. between Tenth & Eleventh Aves.
October 18-21
Admission: free
Thursday, October 18 Opening reception: "Floating Above the High Line," Art Gotham, 547 West 27th St., 212-714-1100, 6:00 8:00
Friday, October 19
Sunday, October 21 More than fifty studios along the High Line open their doors to art lovers, primarily at 508 and 526 West 26th St., including painting, sculpture, photography, video installation, molecular art, furniture design, drawing, jewelry design, and multimedia works, 10:00 am 6:00 pm
Japan Society
333 East 47th St. at First Ave.
Tickets: $30-$35 ($113 for all programs and birthday party)
Thursday, October 18
Saturday, October 20 Eiko & Koma: Mourning, with Margaret Leng Tan on toy and grand piano, world premiere centennial commission, 7:30
Thursday, October 25
Saturday, October 27 Akira Kasai: BUTOH AMERICA, world premiere centennial commission, created by Akira Kasai and performed by five hand-picked U.S.-based performers
Saturday, October 27 U.S. Butoh Marathon, featuring performances by Jeff Janisheski & Yanira Castro, Moeno Wakamatsu; Haruko Nishimura, Koichi & Hiroko Tamano, Juan Merchan, Shinichi Iova Koga, and Ximena garnica, $12-$15, 4:30
Saturday, October 27 YOSHITO OHNO: EMPTINESS (KUU), solo work by Yoshito Ohno, son of Kazuo Ohno, followed by birthday party with live music and improvised performances (free to holders of Butoh Parade main event tickets)
Mondays at 1:00, St. Pauls Chapel, Broadway at Fulton St.
Thursdays at 1:00, Trinity Church, Broadway at Wall St.
Suggested donation: $2
Thursday, October 18 Peter Ostroushko, mandolin & fiddle, With Danny Gotham, guitar
Monday, October 22 Joanna Marie Frankel, violin: Works by Beethoven, Brahms and Ginastera
Thursday, October 25 Sol Y Canto: Dia de los Muertos, multimedia event
Monday, October 29 Pan Asian Chamber Jazz Ensemble
Borders Columbus Circle
Time Warner Center
Admission: free
Friday, October 19 M.I.A. will sign copies of her new CD, KALA, 3:00
Museum of Modern Art
The Celeste Bartos Theater, mezzanine
The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Education and Research Building
4 West 54th St. between Fifth & Sixth Aves.
Tickets: $10
Friday, October 19 Lectures & Gallery Talks: Roni Horn, 6:30
Participation: free ($5 suggested donation for T-shirt)
Saturday, October 20 New York Cares Day, which goes from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, is a day of hands-on volunteering in which more than one hundred public schools across New York City get cleaned up and repainted by thousands of people who are organized into groups headed by a team leader. You can end up painting a cafeteria in Queens, planting bulbs in a school garden in the Bronx, or cleaning up a science lab in Brooklyn. If youre an artist, you can request to help paint a mural. There are prizes for volunteers who raise the most money (everyone gets a T-shirt), and theres an after-party at Pressure at Bowlmor Lanes from 4:00 to 6:00. This is one of the most rewarding ways to help this great city, so sign up as soon as you can and be part of this very special day.
822 Madison Ave. between 68th & 69th Sts.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 20 Fall collection of Japanese artisanal teaware, 10:00 am 7:00 pm
Socrates Sculpture Park
Broadway at Vernon Blvd.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 20 Seventh annual festival, featuring Medieval costume-making workshop; jugglers, stilt walkers, and musicians from Circus Amok; spooky games; face painting; raffle for carved and painted pumpkins by park artists; a canine costume contest; the haunting installation "Electroception"; and more, 11:00 am 3:00 pm, followed by the Red Door Theatre Company performing MACBETH at 3:30
Location and time to be announced
Admission: free
Saturday, October 20 Sign up to join the undead as they go on a ghoulish shopping spree, bar hop, and put on street theater
The Drawing Center
35 Wooster St. between Grand and Broome Sts.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 20 A public discussion and panel on graffiti art, with artists Case 2 and Kez 5 and critics Grady Turner and Richard Goldstein, moderated by Hugo Martinez, 6:30
Multiple locations
Admission: free
Saturday, October 20
Sunday, October 21 Several of the artists participating in the current exhibition at the Japan Society, “Making a Home: Japanese Contemporary Artists in New York,” will open their studios to visitors, including Emiko Kasahara, Nobuho Nagasawa, Noriko Shinohara, Ushio Shinohara, Kunie Sugiura, Toshihisa Yoda, Junko Yoda, Yoichiro Yoda, Noriko Ambe, Miwa Koizumi, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Hiroki Otsuka, and Go Sugimoto, in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
St. Anns Warehouse
38 Water St.
Tickets: $37.50-$47.50
Saturday, October 20
Sunday, November 11 BLACK WATCH, written by Gregory Burke, directed by John Tiffany, and performed by the National Theatre of Scotland, about the disassembling of Scotlands last regiment in Iraq, followed by discussions with artists, activists, and thinkers after the October 24-25 and November 4 performances
Bronx Zoo/Prospect Park Zoo/Central Park Zoo/Queens Zoo/New York Aquarium
All weekend special events 11:30 am - 4:30 pm
Children under twelve and in costume free with adults
Saturday, October 20, 21
Sunday, October 27, 28 Annual festival featuring magic shows, storytelling, sing-along hayrides, live music, face painting, pumpkin picking and painting, trick-or-treat-bag workshops, cats, bats, and rats, and a spooktacular Halloween celebration
Wednesday, October 31 Halloween at the A-scarium, New York Aquarium
French Institute Alliance Française
Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th St. between Park & Madison Aves.
September 25 October 30
Tickets: $10
Saturday, October 20 New York premiere of LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD, directed by Joël Pommerat, Florence Gould Hall, adults $30, children twelve and under $20, 7:00
Wednesday, October 24
Saturday, October 27 érection by Pierre Rigal / Aurélien Bory, Baryshnikov Arts Center, 450 West 37th St., $20
Roseland Ballroom
239 West 52nd St.
Tickets: $150 children, $250 adults
Sunday, October 21 Annual benefit for the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation, featuring interactive games, prizes, treats, arts & crafts, face painting, tattoos, international dishes, singing and dancing, costume fashion show, auction, and more, with honorees Sherman and Chris Meloni, 3:00 - 6:00
Multiple locations
Tickets: $8 - $280
Sunday, October 21
Wednesday, November 21 Third biennial festival, featuring workshops, film screenings, lectures, and live performances at such venues as the Japan Society, the Noguchi Museum, Anthology Fillm Archives, CUNY’s Graduate Center, Dance Theater Workshop, Movement Research, and festival home Cave at 58 Grand St. in Williamsburg
Gotham Comedy Club
208 West 23rd St. between Seventh & Eighth Aves.
Cover charge: $12, plus two-drink minimum
Monday, October 22 Featuring Jessica Kirson and such up-and-coming comics as Emily Epstein, 8:00
Mariam Ghani and Chitra Ganesh discuss their project at UBS Gallery
UBS Gallery
1285 Sixth Ave. between 51st & 52nd Sts.
Admission: free
Tuesday, October 23 As part of the current "25 Years Later: Art in General" exhibition, Mariam Ghani and Chitra Ganesh discuss their project with visitors, who are encouraged to fill out a survey and contribute to the database that "collects stories from the immigrants whose lives as individuals are lost in the abstractions of legalities and headlines, and to develop from those stories new terms and languages through which the issues of the immigration debate can be framed," 4:00 6:00 pm
Clearview Cinemas
62nd St. & Broadway
October 23 - November 8
Tickets: $8-$11; Festival Pass $45
The twenty-second annual Israel Film Festival comprises eight feature films, four documentaries, two works that explore “Real to Reel Jewish Identity,” and two television productions, coming together for two weeks of celebrating Israeli culture while also examining some very serious subjects. Among the highlights are Dror Shaul’s SWEET MUD, which won the 2007 Grand Jury Prize at Sundance; Dan Wolman’s TIED HANDS, about an estranged mother and son who come together as he battles AIDS; Itai Lev’s children's film LITTLE HEROES; Arik-Henig’s PERES-RABIN, which looks at the relationship between Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin; Yael Klopmann’s STORM OF EMOTIONS, which deals with the continuing conflicts in Gaza; and Tomer Heymann’s BLACK OVER WHITE: IDAN RAICHEL PROJECT, which traces Jewish roots back to Ethiopia.
Symphony Space, Leonard Nimoy Thalia
2537 Broadway at 95th St.
Tickets: $11
Tuesday, October 23 TAKING OFF (Milos Forman, 1971), 7:30
Sunday, October 28 THE THIRD MAN (Carol Reed, 1949), 7:30
Rumsey Playfield, Central Park
Enter at 72nd St. & Fifth Ave.
Tickets: $1,000 and up
Wednesday, October 24 Twelfth annual black-tie charitable ball benefiting the Central Park Conservancy, with dining, dancing, live music and dancing, crystal balls, sideshow performers, and a costume contest judged by Lauren Hutton and Sandra Lee, 7:00
Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue at 103rd St.
Admission: $9 (RSVP required)
212-534-1672 ext3395
Wednesday, October 24 Panel discussion with Pete Hamill, Ed Koch, and Frank Macchiarola, moderated by Joshua M. Zeitz, 6:30
The New School, Tishman Auditorium
66 West 12th St. between Fifth & Sixth Aves.
Admission: $5
Wednesday, October 24 Sculptor Phoebe Washburn, 6:30
Millennium Theater (MT)
66 East Fourth St. between Second Ave. & Bowery
NY Film Academy (NYFA)
100 East 17th St.
Casa Frella Gallery (CFG)
47 West 119th St.
October 20-28
Tickets: $8
Wednesday, October 24 THE UNION: THE BUSINESS BEHIND GETTING HIGH (Brett Harvey), MT, 6:00
Wednesday, October 24 PROP (Rob Hendriks) and I LOVE HIP HOP IN MOROCCO (Jennifer Needleman & Josh Asenon, MT, 8:20
Wednesday, October 24 BIRD LOSING FEATHERS and HUNTING MEXICANS (Ryan Noble), MT, 10:10
Thursday, October 25 THE ROAD SOUTH (Ramzi Kassem) and SOUR MILK AND HONEY (Tarek Maassarani), MT, 6:00
Thursday, October 25 PRESSURE TO PRECIOUS (Ali Khan) and ON THE OTHER SIDE (Shanthikumar Chilumula), MT, 7:55
Thursday, October 25 RHYME ANIMAL (Phil Roc) and DON’T HATE (Jimmy Bell), MT, 10:20
Friday, October 26 ON DA CORNA (Angela Brown), NEW HARLEM (Tamara Davidson), ESCAPE FROM FIRE (Joel Dunn), THE ROAD SOUTH (Ramzi Kassem), NYFA, 9:45 am
Friday, October 26 TWO BIRDS (Juan Rivera), DOWN ON ME (Allison Lund), AGNIESZKA 2039 (Martin Gauvreau), KUJO, MY LOVE (Stacy Pyles), B**CH (Lilah Vandenburgh), THAT’S GOOD, THAT’S ENOUGH (Jessiline Berry), A PERIOD PIECE (Camille Holder), NYFA, 11:00 am
Friday, October 26 ELI’S LIQUOR STORE (Arnold Chun & Alonzo Jones), NO SENSE (Mitch Barany), THEODORE (Jorge Moran), FISSION (Kun-I Chang), WAITING FOR YESTERDAY (Julien LeCat & Sylvain Pioutaz), NONE OF THE ABOVE (Jay Beverly), 44 (Mikal Din), NYFA, 1:20
Friday, October 26 AUGUST THE FIRST (Lanre Olabisi), NYFA, 3:25
Friday, October 26 POET HEADS (Rawle D. Lewis), NYFA, 5:10
Friday, October 26 SARBANE’S OXLEY (Ramcess Jean-Louis), NYFA, 7:00
Crystal Room, Tavern on the Green
Central Park West at 67th St.
Cocktail preview and silent auction at 6:00 pm
Live auction at 7:30 pm
Tickets: $150 in advance, $200 at the door
Thursday, October 25 Celebrity art auction benefiting Capuchin Food Pantries, honoring Montel Williams and Marc Brown, with Tony Lo Bianco, LeRoy Neiman, Peter Max, Rod Gilbert, Cal Ramsey, Charles Fazzino, and others, hosted by Ernie Anastos, and featuring celebrity guest auctioneers Curtis Sliwa and Ron Kuby and doodles by Al Pacino, the late Beverly Sills, Cindy Crawford, Glenn Close, Helen Mirren, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Donald Trump, Gisele Bundchen, Hugh Hefner, Jack Nicklaus, John Lithgow, Yogi Berra, and many more
242 West 41 St. between Seventh & Eighth Aves.
Tickets: $17-$25
Thursday, October 25 A Tribute to Sidney Lumet, with Sidney Lumet, Ethan Hawke, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and other speakers, 7:00
Rubin Museum of Art
150 West 17th St. at Seventh Ave.
Friday nights from 7:00 to 10:00; includes free admission to galleries
212-620-5000 ext 344
Friday, October 26 Harlem in the Himalayas: Chris Byars, $20, 7:00
Friday, October 26 The Interfaith Experience: with Ven. Nicholas Vreeland, free, 7:30
Friday, October 26 CabaretCinema: THE ROAD HOME (WO DE FU QIN MU QIN) (Zhang Yimou, 1999), introduced by David N. Meyer, free with seven-dollar bar minimum, 9:15
The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Ave. at 112th St.
Tickets: $15
Friday, October 26 Screening of THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (, 19), with live organ accompaniment by Timothy Brumfield, followed by procession of puppets, creatures, and special effects, $15, 7:00 & 10:00
South Street Seaport Pier 17
Admission: $15-$20
Friday, October 26
Saturday, October 27 Adult program aboard the Peking (the Ship of the Dead), with gargoyles, ghosts, goblins, vampires, and more, hourly from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Pier 92
12th Ave. at 52nd St.
Friday 7:00 11:00
Saturday 12 noon 4:00 and 5:00 9:00
Tickets: $40-$49.99 per session
Friday, October 26
Saturday, October 27 Fifth anniversary of beer lovers event, featuring live music and sampling from nearly three dozen breweries, including Butternuts Beer and Ale, Captain Lawrence, Defiant, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Duvel, Flying Dog, HEBREW/Schmaltz, Maredsous, Nomad, Olde Burnside, Ommegang, Original Sin, Rodenbach, Sly Fox, Smuttynose, and more
Multiple Locations
Admission: free
Friday, October 26
Wednesday, October 31 Halloween celebrations will be taking place in parks all over the city, with different events at each location, from haunted houses and pumpking carving to costume workshops and haunted tours, including Owls Head Park, Fort Greene Park, Marine Park, Inwood Hill Park, Fort Totten Park, Van Cortlandt Park, Morningside Park, Conference House Park, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Riverside Park, Fort Greene Park, and others
Tompkins Square Park Dog Run
Ninth St. at Ave. B
Admission: $5 raffle ticket for iPod Nano
Saturday, October 27 Seventeenth annual event, with dogs and owners competing in several categories, with prizes, photographers, gift baskets, and more, 12 noon
Metropolitan Museum of Art Uris Center for Education
1000 Fifth Ave. at 82nd St.
Free with museum admission, reservations required
Saturday, October 27 Bilingual celebration for families, featuring films, tours, and music, 11:00 am 2:00 pm
Micro Museum
123 Smith St. between Dean & Pacific Sts.
Admission: $2
Saturday, October 27 Haunted Maze featuring mixed-media installations, evil clowns, interactive art, and more, 12 noon 7:00 pm
Tompkins Square Park
Between Seventh & Tenth Sts. and Aves. A & B
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27 Celebrate a healthy Halloween with Dr. Oz, Grandmaster Melle Mel, elected officials, and others, with the goal of raising awareness in the battle against child obesity and diabetes, featuring costume parades, healthy treats, the Zombie Olympics, live performances by Hungry March Band, Ray Santiago Afro-Cuba Band, Vangeline Theater (French sci-fi butoh), Hula Hula Troupe, and Luminescent Orchestrii, art installations by Dan Green's Monster Robots, and more, 12 noon - 8:00 pm
Studio 101
101 Lafayette St. at Walker St.
Tickets: $15-$20
Saturday, October 27 A Night for All Vamps, Pagans, Witches, Druids, Goths, Faerie Folk, Magickal Fold, Indigos, and Urbanites, featuring live music, theater, dance, and DJs, with costume contest, psychics, Gothic bellydancing class, the Lifting of the Veils, a midnight Samhain ritual, a raffle, and more, with proceeds benefiting the Make a Wish Foundation and the NYC Pagan Council, 9:00 pm 3:00 am
Metropolitan Museum of Art
1000 Fifth Ave. at 82nd St.
Tickets: $60
Saturday, October 27 Itzhak Perlman plays violin with the rising stars of the Perlman Music Program, featuring works by Mozart, Reich, and Tchaikovsky, 8:00
Domino Sugar Factory
643 Park Ave.
Saturday, October 27 Featuring open bar, body-painted bartenders and masseuses, live DJs, and more, with complimentary East River shuttle, 9:00 pm 3:00 am
South Street Seaport Pier 17
Saturday 1:00 & 3:00, Sunday 11:00 am, 1:00 & 3:00
Admission: $8-$10
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28 Spooky family fun aboard the Peking, with games and activities, for children three and up
Grand Central Terminal, Vanderbilt Hall
East 42nd St. at Park Ave.
Admission: free
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28 Ghoulish weekend featuring pumpkin carving, lots of orange food, the World of Ralph Lee, live music, a trick-or-treat treasure map, and more, 11:00 am 6:00 pm
Green-Wood Cemetery Landmark Gothic Archway, Brooklyn
Fifth Ave. at 25th St. entrance
Tickets: $10-$20
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28 Two Historic Fund Tours, with tales of murder, mayhem, spirits, and ghosts, 1:00
Queens Farm Museum
73-50 Little Neck Parkway
Admission: $4 (hayrides additional $2)
Saturday, October 27
Sunday, October 28
Wednesday, October 31 Haunted house, hayrides, apple and pumpkin treats, and more, 4:00 7:00
Galapagos Art Space
70 North Sixth St. between Wythe and Kent
Saturday, October 27 Crooked Halloween, with the Rub, Nanachill featuring Ninjasonik, and live audiovisual set from Jonny of Eclectic Methods, $5 in costume, $10 without, front room, 10:00
Saturday, October 27 Halloween Hip-Hop & Art Event, with live artwork by Epic, spins from DJ Strike, and live performances by LOJ, Skyzoo, and AC, hosted by Rolando Brown, $10, back room, 10:00
Wednesday, October 31 Moviehouse presents Halloween Films, featuring specially commissioned shorty by Chioke Nassor, Jesse Kerman, Carlotta Propersi, Clay Franklin, and Chuck Wing, front room, free, 7:00
Wednesday, October 31 Halloween Looseness, with DJ Sergio Vega, hosted by Eddie Bernard, front room, free, 10:00 pm 4:00 am
Wednesday, October 31 YAll Ready for Dis?! Halloween Bash, with dance party and costume contest, hosted by Sarah Egan, Annabel Mehran, Wendy Mullin, Sameena Ahmad, and Victoria Farrell, back room, free, 10:00
Elabash Recital Hall
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave. at 34th St.
Admission: free
Monday, October 29 Demonstration of re-created German synagogues destroyed during the Nazi era, with Manfred Koob and Marc Grellert, 6:30
New York City Center
130 West 56th St. between Sixth & Seventh Aves.
Tickets: $45-$130
Monday, October 29 An Electrifying Evening of Entertainment honoring Bebe Neuwirth, Anka K. Palitz, and the Jerome Robbins Foundation, featuring appearances by Charlotte DAmboise, Christine Ebersole, Melissan Manchester, and Tommy Tune as well as performances by American Ballet Theatre, Dance Theatre of Harlems Dancing Through Barriers Ensemble, the Joffrey Ballet, New York City Ballet, Parsons Dance Company, Mr. Wiggles, and many more, benefiting Career Transition for Dancers, 7:00
Mount Vernon Hotel Museum and Garden
421 East 61st St.
Tickets: $15-$18
Monday, October 29
Wednesday, October 31 Eerie one-man play read and reenacted by Kevin Mitchell Martin in the candlelit Upper Hall, 6:15 & 8:00
Aperture Gallery
547 West 27th St. between Tenth & Eleventh Aves.
Admission: free
Tuesday, October 30 German photographer Beate Gütschow will discuss her first monograph, LS/S (Aperture, October 2007), and sign copies, 6:30
Brooklyn Academy of Music
30 Lafayette Ave. between Ashland Pl. & St. Felix St.
Admission: free
Wednesday, October 31 Sixth annual street festival featuring free trick-or-treat bags, a haunted garden, childrens costume contest, and carnival performances, 4:00 7:00 pm
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West & 79th St.
Admission: $8-$9
Wednesday, October 31 Twelfth annual spooktacular celebration featuring arts and crafts, cartoon characters, origami workshop, pumpkin carving, and live performances; come in costume and go trick-or-treating through the exhibits, 4:00 - 7:00
Trinity Church
Broadway at Wall St.
Wednesday, October 31 Ghouls, Games, and Graves, featuring tricks, treats, storytelling, and more, free, 4:00 6:00
Wednesday, October 31 Haunted Hamilton Happy Hour, alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks available, suggested donation $5, 6:00 8:00 pm
Tuesday, October 31 Screening of NOSFERATU (F. W. Murnau, 1922), accompanied by Cameron Carpenter on the pipe organ, contributions welcome, 8:00
B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
237 West 42nd St. between Seventh & Eighth Aves.
Tickets: $26-$30
Wednesday, October 31 Jerry Only, Dez, and Robo celebrate Halloween, with Balzac, $26-$30, 8:00
Snug Harbor Cultural Center
VMH Playhouse
1000 Richmond Terr.
Admission: $10, plus $2 for audience participation bag
Wednesday, October 31 Third annual screening of THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (Jim Sharman, 1975), 10:00